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Manage APEX AIOps Incident Management users

This topic describes the process for adding users and the supported user roles. See also Manage APEX AIOps Incident Management API keys.

Add one or multiple users

You must have User Management Edit permission for the instance to add a user. For more information, see Custom roles permissions reference.

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Management.

  2. Click + in the top-right corner of the Users table. The Invite User popup appears.

  3. Enter the following information for the user:

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Email address

    • Role

  4. Click the Role list and select a user role to define the new user's permissions.

    Both default and custom roles are available for selection.

  5. To add another user with the same role, click Add Another and add the information for that user.

    You can add up to five users at the same time with the same role. Click the trashcan icon to remove a user from the list of invitees.

  6. Click Invite to send invitations to the list of users.

    A success message displays.

  7. To add more users, click Invite More Users and repeat the process.

APEX AIOps Incident Management adds the new user to the table and sends an invitation email to the new user. The initial user status is Invited. When the user logs in to the instance, the status updates to Active.

NOTE: You can also add users via SSO.

Delete a user

To remove a user's ability to log in, you can delete that user.

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Management.

  2. Select the user in the list.

  3. Click Delete User.

    The user is deactivated. Wherever the user appears (as in alert and incident assignments), "(Deleted)" now displays after the user name.

View deleted users

You can view a complete list of users, including users that were deactivated through deletion.

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Management.

  2. Slide the Show Deleted Users toggle to the right.

    All users now display, including deleted users.

Manage user groups

User Groups provides a convenient way to work with multiple users at once. For more information on user groups, see Manage user groups.

Important information for managing users

  • No user can update emails or passwords for existing users. To update a user, delete the current user and re-create it.

  • If a user cannot access an instance, that user is logged out automatically.

  • Only an Owner can add or edit other Owners.

  • If a user is demoted from Owner to Administrator, only a current Owner can promote that user back to Owner.

  • An instance can have multiple Owners, but it must always have at least one.