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Send Announcement action

Available for incident workflows

The Send Announcement action sends an automated email with custom content to any configured watchers for incidents. It also posts an announcement, viewable in the Comments panel on the Incidents page or in the Situation Room. For details on using Announcements, refer to Use comments with incidents.

Note that you can use the Add Watchers action in your workflow that add a list of watchers to the triggering incident prior to the Send Announcement action, ensuring that the correct list of users receives the information.

This action takes the following input:

  • Announcement Message

    The message that displays in the Comments and Announcements panels, and in the email which any configured incident watchers receive. Note that you can use substitution and macro syntax to create a message template.


    There is a 1000 character limit for the comment message content. The text box attempts to enforce this limit, but substitution and macros can cause the length of the message to vary from the length displayed in the text box. If the character limit is exceeded by the announcement, the message will be truncated to 1000 characters.

Note that all emails generated by announcements originate from the address

Incident example

One way to use the Send Announcement action is to alert users assigned to an incident that they need to address it. The following workflow configuration triggers when an incident is created where severity is Critical and the services include Cloudfront. It assigns The Cloudfront Support team to the incident, adds them as watchers, and then uses the Send Announcement action to notify them about the incident.

  1. Navigate to Correlate & Automate > Workflow Engine. Click the Incident Workflows tab.

  2. Click Add Workflow and select New incidents only in the trigger section. Include this filter:

    severity = Critical AND services in ( Cloudfront )
  3. Click Add Action and add the Assign action with Assign to selected with this configuration under Group:

    Assign to Cloudfront Support

  4. Make everyone in the Cloudfront Support group a watcher for the incident by clicking Add Action and selecting Add Watchers. Use this configuration under Group:

    Assign to Cloudfront Support

  5. Finally, add the Send Announcement action. Click Add Action and add the Send Announcement action.

    Configure it with this message:

    Your group is assigned to incident #${incident_id} from Cloudfront. Take a look ASAP.
  6. Test, save, and enable the workflow.

To add a comment to an incident without sending an email, see Add Comment action.