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Outbound integrations

Outbound integrations enable you to send data or notifications to tools such as Datadog, Slack, and PagerDuty.

APEX AIOps Incident Management includes generic webhook endpoints that you can use to send data to other tools as appropriate.

See also Outbound Integrations API.

Webhook endpoint information

Webhook endpoints are designed to be flexible and generic enough to support any external tool that can ingest JSON objects over HTTP or HTTPS. Both alert and incident webhooks are configured and function in a similar way, and both are designed to trigger from workflows.

Webhook endpoints require the following types of information. Note that requirements vary depending on the type of webhook.

  • Triggers—Conditions which can limit the data a webhook sends.

    The Triggers configuration can act as a filter to limit the data sent to an external system. A webhook endpoint is triggered from a workflow, which has its own trigger. Webhook endpoint triggers allow you to define a subset of the items which triggered the workflow. For example, you could trigger a workflow for all updated incidents, but configure the webhook endpoint used in the workflow to only send a payload when the update occurs for the status field.

  • Endpoint URL—The external endpoint where you want to send your alerts or incidents.

  • Authorization—The authorization data required by the external endpoint. Credentials for webhook endpoint authorization are stored in the Credentials Store.

  • Headers—You need to send data in JSON format, so specify Content-type = application/json. You can specify additional headers if needed.

  • Body—A JSON object with the alert or incident data you want to send.

    The Body field supports "smart type-ahead" functionality:

    1. Make sure there is a space before the cursor.

    2. Press the dollar sign ($) to open a pop-up menu.

    3. Select the alert or incident field you want to include in the payload.

      You can include a URL to the alert or incident in the payloads using the format ${outbound.<integration_name>.external_name}. These URLs can be used to open the alert or incident in a browser tab when external_name is the ID of an incident or an alert.