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SolarWinds AppOptics integration

You can use an APEX AIOps Incident Management custom integration to ingest events from SolarWinds AppOptics.

Before you begin

Before you set up your AppOptics integration:

  • Make sure you are signed in to your Incident Management instance.

  • Make sure you are signed in to AppOptics.

  • Make sure you have a valid Incident Management API key.

Create a custom integration in Incident Management

  1. Within Incident Management, navigate to Integrations > Ingestion Services > Create Your Own Integration.

  2. Click Add New Integration.

  3. Under APEX AIOps Incident Management Endpoint, enter a unique name for your new integration (required).


    The name of the integration can be anything you choose. Incident Management will automatically generate an API endpoint URL independent of what you enter for this field.

  4. Under API Description, enter a description for the integration (optional).

  5. Under Data Type, select Events.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Keep the web page for this integration open in your browser while you complete the following steps in AppOptics.

Create a webhook in AppOptics

  1. Open AppOptics. Within the left-hand navigation, go to Settings > Notification Services by clicking the gear icon.

  2. Select Webhook.

  3. Click Add Configuration if the button displays. Otherwise, skip this step.

  4. Under Title, enter a unique name for the webhook, such as "Incident Management."

  5. Construct the endpoint URL:

    1. Under URL, paste the endpoint URL for your Incident Management integration.

      The endpoint URL is provided for you in Incident Management on the page for your custom integration, under Configuration Information > APEX AIOps Incident Management Endpoint.

    2. Modify the endpoint URL by adding your Incident Management API key (apiKey) and the name of your Incident Management integration (integrationName) in the following format:

      The API key is provided for you in Incident Management on the page for your custom integration, under Configuration Information > API Key.


      The name of your Incident Management integration is case-sensitive. If your integration is named "AppOptics", then "appoptics" will not be recognized in the modified endpoint URL.


      If the endpoint URL is, then given the following values:

      • apiKey = 1234567-1234-abcd-12345678

      • integrationName = AppOptics

      ...the modified endpoint URL would be:
    3. Click Add.

  6. Within the left-hand navigation, go to Alerts by clicking the bell icon.

  7. Click Create Alert to create a new alert:

    1. Select Hosts, APM, or Custom.

    2. In the Add Conditions section, specify conditions for your alert based on your business needs.

    3. In the Set Notifications section, click the plus sign (+) next to Webhook. Under "Select service(s) to configure," select the webhook that you created earlier.

    4. In the Add Details and Enable section, give the alert a unique name and fill out the remaining fields. Then click Enable Alert.

  8. In the Alerts page, click the alert you just created.

  9. Make sure that the alert is enabled and click Test Fire. This will send a test payload to your APEX AIOps Incident Management integration.

Configure the custom integration in Incident Management

  1. Go to your Incident Management instance.

  2. Open the page for your custom integration by navigating to Integrations > Ingestion Services > Create Your Own Integration > your-integration-name.

  3. In the Map Your Data section, you can view cached payloads of incoming events sent from AppOptics. Confirm that the test payload you sent is there.

  4. Map your payload fields to the corresponding Incident Management fields. An example mapping is provided for you below as a reference, but you should tailor the mapping according to your business needs.

    For a complete list of mapping types, save options, and instructions on how to use them, read Use mapping types in custom integrations.

    Table 1. Example mapping

    AppOptics fields

    Incident Management field


    source, alert.description, conditions[0].type, conditions[0] .id, conditions[0].threshold, conditions[0].summary_function







  5. Go to the top of the page and click Save.