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Install a Windows OS collector

The APEX AIOps Incident Management Collector is an agent that observes time series metrics and sends the metrics to Incident Management. You can install the collector on a Windows OS or on a Linux or Mac OS. With the installation of an Incident Management Collector on the system of your choice, you can quickly gather relevant metrics about your systems.

On your Windows systems, you can use a Windows collector in combination with enabled plugins to collect a variety of metrics. You can quickly collect general system metrics using the System plugin, which is installed and enabled by default when you install a collector.


Go to Install a Linux or Mac OS Collector, to learn how install an Incident Management Collector on Linux or Mac operating systems (OS).

Before installing an Incident Management Collector

Before you start to install an Incident Management Collector on your Windows OS, you must:

  • Be familiar with Windows Services.

  • Set up your Windows system Environment Variables. You can do this either before or after installation.

  • Have a Windows Administrator account.

  • Enable all Windows disk counters to get Windows disk metrics. To do this:

    1. You need to be a member of the ADMINISTRATORS local group. See your Windows OS documentation for more information.

    2. Open a command prompt or PowerShell terminal on your Windows system.

    3. Run the diskperf -y command.

Install the Incident Management Collector on a Windows OS

You can gather Windows metrics using an Incident Management Collector. To install a collector on your Windows OS, perform the following steps:

  1. In your Incident Management UI, go to Integrations > Ingestion Services > Collectors.

  2. Click on the Installation tab and select the Windows platform from the installation options on the left. Select the Windows platform for the collector. The Incident Management Collector runs on the following Windows versions:

    1. Windows OS version 7, 8.1, 10, and 11.

    2. Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server 2022.

  3. Click Download to download the collector-0.20.1-x64.msi (or later) file on your Windows system. You will then need to go to your target Windows system and run the Collector Startup Wizard.

Run the Collector Startup Wizard in Windows

To run the Collector Startup Wizard on your Windows system.

  1. Click on the .msi installer file to run the Collector Setup Wizard. The default user for the .msi file is set as a Windows administrator, so you must have a Windows Administrator role to run the installer.

  2. In the wizard, read and accept the License Agreement and select your Destination Folder or use the default.

    1. The default Destination Folder is C:\Program Files\Moogsoft\.

    2. You can select a different destination folder. However, you can only install one Incident Management Collector per system.

  3. Next, enter the API Key for your Incident Management instance and the Base URL for that same instance. The following examples show the respective formats:

    1. Non-Working API Key example: 7zzz8112-yyy9-408e-846z-f8928f08ake9

    2. Base URL example:


    To get the API key and Base URL, in your Incident Management UI go to Integrations > Ingestion Services > Collectors > Installation tab, and click on the Linux option. Copy that API key and URL from the code. You can use the same key and URL for Windows.

  4. Click Install, Next, and Finish to complete your Incident Management Collector installation.

  5. Use the Windows Control Panel, or any on of the other Windows methods, to access Windows Services. Check the list of Windows Services, find Moogsoft Collector in the list, and check that the Status for the collector displays Running. The following illustration shows the Windows Services > View > Details option.

  6. Once it is installed and running on Windows, the collector name will appear in the Incident Management Collectors List. Since the Incident Management System plugin is enabled by default on all collectors, Incident Management Metrics also will display selected Windows metrics.


    You can go to this list by clicking the Collectors List text on the Installation tab page or, if not on that page, by navigating to Ingestion Services > Collectors. Either method shows the Collectors tab, by default, and a list of installed collectors, OS types, advanced configurations, and plugins. You can also check Ingestion Services > All. Remember to look for the collector icon:


Start, stop and remove a Windows collector

You can start or restart, stop, and remove an Incident Management Windows collector using Windows system sc commands. For detailed instructions, refer to Collector Operations. As shown in the following image, you can also run the Windows Collector wizard to repair or remove the Windows collector.


Validate your Windows collector installation

  • Check the Collectors List to see if the Windows Collector is listed.

  • To view logs in the Incident Management console, navigate to Integrations > Ingestion Services > Collectors > specific collector > Collector Logs. Local logs are not available for the Windows collector.

  • Check Incident Management Metrics to validate that you are receiving Windows data. The System plugin is enabled by default for all Incident Management Collector installations, so you should get system metrics from you Windows system such as host_boot_time.

Troubleshoot your Windows collector installation

In some rare cases, the Incident Management Collector service can enter a starting state that never completes. To check if this is happening on your server, run the following command. It shows a vector process in a START_PENDING STATE.

1 PS C:\Program Files\Moogsoft> sc.exe query vector
3 SERVICE_NAME: vector
4        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
5        STATE              : 2  START_PENDING
6                                (NOT_STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, IGNORES_SHUTDOWN)
7        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
8        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
9        CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
10       WAIT_HINT          : 0x7d0

When this occurs, you should use the following steps to remove the task and allow you to uninstall/reinstall or restart the service.

  1. Open a Windows command prompt or PowerShell terminal.

  2. Run the command taskkill /IM "collector.exe" /F. This command will kill any running processes with a name that matches that of the collector.

Configure a collector plugin

To enable a specific plugin for your Windows collector:

  1. Go to Integrations > Ingestion Services > Collectors. This page displays a tab labeled Collectors and a tab labeled Plugins.

  2. Click the Plugins tab.

  3. From the list view or tile view, click on the plugin that you wish to install.

  4. Use the default configuration or change the configuration for that plugin and then click Enable.


    You can find detailed instructions on configuring specific plugins in Configuring a Collector plugin.

Incident Management Collectors can be started or restarted, stopped, and deleted. Plugins can be enabled or disabled. For detailed instructions, refer to Collector Operations.