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Delete a correlation group

Important notes about deleting correlation groups

Before deleting a correlation group, it is important to understand what happens after it is removed:

  • The correlation definitions associated with the group will no longer be visible, although they are not deleted.

    If you try to create a new correlation definition in another group with the same name, you will get an error that a definition with the name already exists. Correlation definitions must be associated with a correlation group to be visible in APEX AIOps Incident Management.

  • Correlation definitions from the deleted group will no longer correlate alerts.

  • Any settings associated with the correlation group are lost.

You may prefer to delete the correlation definitions in a correlation group before deleting the group itself, as the definitions are not removed when the group is deleted.

To remove a correlation group:

  1. Navigate to Correlate & Automate > Correlation Engine.

  2. Locate the group you want to delete on the Correlation tab.

  3. Click the trash can icon to the right of the correlation group name.

  4. Click Delete to confirm the removal.

If you need to remove correlation definitions that do not display, you can use an API call.