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Configure ServiceNow automatically


Before you continue, make sure you have completed the preliminary steps for installing the update set.

You can use the ServiceNow update set to automatically create an incident webhook endpoint, maintenance window catalog, and event workflow in APEX AIOps Incident Management. For more information about how the maintenance window catalog works, read Integrate ServiceNow with legacy APEX AIOps Incident Management maintenance windows.

To perform the remaining configuration automatically using the update set:

  1. From the top menu of ServiceNow, navigate to All > Moogsoft Integration > System > Moogsoft Properties using the search bar.

  2. Within the Moogsoft Properties page, enable editing by clicking the link inside the banner at the top of the page. If you do not see a banner, refresh the page in your web browser.

  3. Set all the items with checkboxes to Yes and fill out all required fields. For detailed information regarding all the properties on this page, read ServiceNow integration properties reference.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Open your Incident Management instance to confirm that the automatic configuration was successful:

    1. Navigate to Integrations > Outbound Integrations > Webhook Endpoint > Incident Webhook Endpoint. Confirm that a new incident webhook endpoint named "ServiceNowIncident" has been created for you.

      Click on the webhook endpoint to open it. Review the payload and adjust it as necessary.

    2. Navigate to Correlate & Automate > Workflow Engine > Enrichment Data Catalogs. Confirm that a new data catalog named "servicenow_maintenance_windows" has been created for you.

    3. Navigate to Correlate & Automate > Workflow Engine > Event Workflows. Confirm that a new event workflow named "Tag ServiceNow Maintenance Windows" has been created for you.


    The default names of these automatically configured items are reserved. If you have an existing incident webhook endpoint, data catalog, or event workflow with a name that matches the default name given by ServiceNow, ServiceNow will not overwrite it during the automatic configuration process.

  6. Navigate to Correlate & Automate > Correlation Engine. Update any correlation definitions to filter out incidents under maintenance.