Pingdom integration
This integration ingests events from Pingdom and maps them to Incident Management events automatically.
This integration was validated on January 28, 2022.
Create a new integration in APEX AIOps Incident Management
Log in to your Incident Management instance.
Navigate to Integrations > Ingestion Services > Pingdom.
Click Add New Integration.
Name the Incident Management endpoint and enter an API description. Then click Save.
The UI displays the integration in a new page. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
The new integration includes a custom endpoint, a set of default mappings to convert Pingdom data to Incident Managementevents, and a deduplication key to group similar events into alerts. You can now set up Pingdom to send data to this endpoint, as described in the following section.
(Optional) Once your endpoint starts receiving data from Pingdom, you can customize how the integration maps and deduplicates this data. To learn more about mapping and deduplication, read Use mapping types in custom integrations and Deduplicate events to reduce noise.