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Docker plugin

The APEX AIOps Incident Management Docker plugin collects metrics based on a count of the number of active Docker containers. This is done automatically at one second intervals.

Install Docker

To have the Docker plugin send data to Incident Management, you must have a running Docker platform. If you do not have one installed, download and install Docker on the systems that you want to monitor.


To ensure the Docker plugin can collect metrics, add the APEX AIOps Incident Management Collector user to the Docker group. See the Post-installation steps for Linux in the Docker manuals for instructions. The Docker plugin can run but it can't collect metrics without this permission set, instead it outputs an error in the logs and stops.

Install an Incident Management Collector

To use the Incident Management Docker plugin, you need to install an Incident Management Collector and select the Docker plugin:

  1. Install the Incident Management Collector on a host within your secure network.

  2. Navigate to the IncidentsIngestion Services > Collector tab to configure and enable collector plugins. Do not go directly to the Plugins tab to configure the plugin, as the plugin needs to be associated with a specific collector to work properly.

You can set up a collector plugin when you download a new collector, or any time thereafter when configuring an existing collector. For more information about how to select a plugin to enable, see the topic Collector plugins .

Configure and enable the Docker plugin

This plugin collects metrics based on a count of the number of active containers. Plans to provide more metrics are in development.

To configure and enable the Docker plugin do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Incidents > Ingestion Services > Collector tab and click on the name of an installed Incident Management Collector to install a plugin. If you click on Docker in the Plugins tab, a display panel prompts you to install a collector or configure an existing collector.

    If you click on Docker in the Plugins tab, a display panel prompts you to install a collector or configure an existing collector.

  2. Click on the Docker tile or list name.

  3. In the Configuration panel, enter the parameter configuration information.

Parameter configuration

  1. From the Docker plugin Configuration tab, define the following parameters:

    • Retry Interval — The interval of time in seconds that the plugin will wait before restarting collecting a metrics stream. Use only positive integers, otherwise the Incident Management Collector does not run.

    • Exclude Container Prefixes — A list of specific container prefixes the plugin rejects when it gathers container metrics from Docker. Separate the prefixes by a space, such as prefix1 prefix2 and so forth. Wildcards are not accepted. The plugin excludes all containers with that prefix.

    • Include Container Prefixes — A list of specific container prefixes the plugin accepts when it gathers metrics from Docker. The plugin will only include containers that match the prefix. Separate the prefixes by a space, such as prefix1 prefix2 and so forth. Wildcards are not accepted.

    • Include Image Names — A Docker image name or multiple names separated by commas. The leading slash is not needed in the image name.

  2. Toggle the Enable option on when you are ready to start plugin data ingestion.

Validate the Docker plugin integration

To validate your Docker plugin integration, you have the following options:

  1. Click Ingestion Services > Collectors > Plugins and check the Configured and Enabled columns. Both should have a check mark in each column.

  2. Click Ingestion Services > Collectors > Collector Logs to view a line-by-line progress readout of your integrations.

  3. Click Metrics in the left navigation bar to check for the Docker metrics information, such as uptime, that is gathered by the Incident Management Collector and Docker plugin.