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Use location tags in event data

The APEX AIOps Incident Management Events API schema includes a locations field that defines the physical or virtual location where an event occurred.

When defining locations, it is good practice to use the same conventions for all events. For example, if you want to define virtual locations, use the same event field (such as data_center) and the same location names used by your cloud vendor.

The events schema includes the following location fields:

Physical locations (string)

  • street

  • building

  • city

  • state_or_province

  • country

  • postcode

  • rack

  • aisle

  • u_position

Physical locations (integer)

  • suite

    Note that the value for suite is a number.

  • floor

Virtual or cloud locations (string)

  • region

  • data_center

  • availability_zone

Geographic coordinates (string)

These fields are strings. Use decimal degrees (DD) format, for example 41.40338 and 2.17403


  • geo_coordinates.long

Including location tags

Location tags only appear in events and alerts. They are not included in incidents. If location information is needed in incidents, you can preserve the values in location tags by copying them to other tags using workflow actions such as the Set Tags action.

You can reference location tags in this format:


Location tags must appear in this format for use in event payloads:

"location": {
    "street": "value",
    "building": "value",
    "city": "value",
    "suite": 100,

Use this format for geo_coordinates:

"location": {
    "geo_coordinates": {
        "lat": 30.508255,
        "long": -97.678894