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HTTP Listener plugin

The HTTP Listener plugin receives arbitrary JSON data at a specified address and forwards it to an existing Create Your Own Integration (CYOI) endpoint. The HTTP Listener plugin must be configured and enabled to begin collecting event data.

When to use the HTTP Listener plugin

Use the APEX AIOps Incident Management HTTP Listener plugin with the APEX AIOps Incident Management Collector, when you:

  • Don’t want to make direct outbound calls from your environment.

  • Can install an APEX AIOps Incident Management Collector on a host in your environment and it will act as a proxy.

Install an Incident Management Collector

To use the HTTP Listener plugin, you need to:

  1. Install the Incident Management Collector on a host within your secure network, as the plugin does not use authentication. Note: Do not go directly to the Plugins tab, to configure the plugin, as the plugin needs to be associated with a specific collector to work properly. Select the collector first and then configure the plugin.

  2. Navigate to the Incidents > Ingestion Services > Collector tab, click on the collector you installed and click on the HTTP Listener Plugin to configure and enable the plugin.

You can set up the HTTP Listener Collector plugin when you download a new collector, or any time thereafter when configuring an existing collector. For more information about how to select a plugin to enable, see Install a Linux or Mac OS collector.

Configure a Create Your Own Integration

To ingest data using the HTTP Listener plugin, you also need to configure a Create Your Own Integration (CYOI) to send data to the plugin. You can do this before or after you enable the plugin. For more help about configuring using CYOI, see Create your own integration (CYOI).

  1. In your Incident Management instance, click Integrations > Ingestion Services > Create Your Own Integration.

  2. Click + Add New Integration.

  3. Go to Initial Setup. Skip the Before You Begin instructions as the plugin does not use authentication. Specify the following information:

    1. Incident Management Endpoint - Enter a name for the Endpoint (API). You will be able to select this name from a drop-down menu, as the HTTP Listener Plugin configuration panel is populated with this name.

    2. API Description - Enter a description for the Endpoint (API) that you named.

    3. Data Type - Click on the Events data type.

  4. Click Save.

Configure and enable the HTTP Listener plugin

To use the HTTP Listener plugin, you need to install an Incident Management Collector and select the HTTP Listener plugin. For information about how to select a plugin to enable, see Install a Linux or Mac OS collector.

When you click on the HTTP Listener plugin in the Plugins tab, the pop-up panel provides links to install a collector or configure the HTTP Listener plugin.

Parameter configuration:

From the HTTP Listener plugin > Configuration tab, define the following HTTP Listener plugin parameters:

  1. From the HTTP Listener plugin > Configuration tab, define the following HTTP Listener Plugin parameters:

    1. Address — Provide the IP Address where you want the plugin to receive data from the HTTP Listener. Use the IP address of the host where you installed your Incident Management Collector. The default is

    2. Port : — Provide the port number where you want the plugin to receive alerts from the HTTP Listener. The default is set to port 8084.

    3. Create Your Own Integration URL — When you set up a CYOI in Incident Management, the HTTP Listener Configuration > Create Your Own Integration URL drop-down menu is pre-populated with the name of your CYOI URL. Select the name to use that integration.

  2. Toggle the Enable option on when you are ready to start plugin data ingestion.

Map your CYOI Data

To map your data sources to Incident Management targets for the plugin to deliver event incidents or alerts:

  1. Click Integrations > Ingestion Services > Create Your Own Integration (CYOI).

  2. Click on the integration name that you specified when you created your CYOI.

  3. In the Map Your Data section, go to Payload Fields and APEX AIOps Incident Management Target Fields.

  4. Click + Add a Mapping to add an additional mappings.

You can also delete the source and target row that does not apply to your data payload by clicking the trash icon next to the row.

Validate the HTTP Listener plugin integration

To validate the integration, you have the following options:

  • Test to see if the plugin is working by sending a curl command with JSON data to the IP Address that you specified in the plugin configuration tab.

  • Go to Ingestion Services > Create Your Own Integration.

    • Click on your named Create Your Own Integration (CYOI) integration and go to Map Your Data.

    • In Incident Management, check Incidents > Incidents or Alerts to see if the HTTP Listener data is flowing into the plugin.

  • Go to Incident Management Integrations > Ingestion Services > Collectors and click your HTTP Listener Collector > Collector Logs to help troubleshoot your installation and configuration.