Synchronize comments across multiple integrations
Integrations for certain external systems allow you to enable bidirectional synchronization of comments between APEX AIOps Incident Management and the external system. When you have several of these integrations configured with bidirectional comments enabled, you can synchronize comments and notifications multidirectionally across all your external systems.
For example, imagine that you have integrations for the following services configured with Incident Management, each with bidirectional comments enabled:
Service A
Service B
Service C
This means that a comment made on an incident in Incident Management will show up in Services A, B, and C. It also means that a comment made in Service A will be passed to the corresponding incident in Incident Management and then forwarded to Services B and C.
There are valuable implications of this behavior. Instead of setting up several comment or notification integrations between all three of your services, you can create a single bidirectional integration between each service and Incident Management. Incident Management then acts as a central communications hub for your external services, ensuring that a comment made in one platform is reflected across all of them.