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AppDynamics plugin

The APEX AIOps Incident Management AppDynamics plugin receives JSON event data on a specified port number and IP address, and forwards it to the Incident Management Events API. The AppDynamics plugin must be configured and enabled to begin collecting metrics.

AppDynamics must also be configured to send data to the plugin.

When to use the AppDynamics plugin

Incident Management offers two convenient mechanisms for integration with AppDynamics.

  • Use the Incident Management AppDynamics plugin with the APEX AIOps Incident Management Collector when you:

    • Want to send AppDynamics data to the Incident Management Events API or when you cannot install an APEX AIOps Incident Management Collector on the same system as your SaaS product.

    • Don’t want to make direct outbound calls from your environment.

    • Can install an APEX AIOps Incident Management Collector on a host in your environment and it will act as a proxy.

  • Use the Incident Management AppDynamics Integration:

    • To ingest events from AppDynamics and send them to Incident Management with automatic mapping.

    • When you can configure your AppDynamics instance to authenticate against an Incident Management endpoint to send data to Incident Management. This integration does not require an Incident Management Collector and you can use authentication.

Install an Incident Management Collector

Navigate to the Integrations > Ingestion Services > Collector tab to configure and enable Incident Management Collector plugins. You can set up a collector plugin when you download a new collector, or any time thereafter when configuring an existing collector.

To use the AppDynamics plugin, you need to:

  1. Install the Incident Management Collector on a host within your secure network, as the plugin does not use authentication.

  2. Navigate to the Ingestion Services > Collector tab to configure and enable collector plugins. Do not go directly to the Plugins tab, to configure the plugin, as the plugin needs to be associated with a specific collector to work properly.

You can set up an Incident Management Collector plugin when you download a new collector, or any time thereafter when configuring an existing Incident Management Collector.

Configure and enable the AppDynamics plugin

To use the AppDynamics plugin, you need to install an Incident Management Collector. Once your collector is installed:

  1. Go to the Ingestion Services > Collectors page and select your specific collector.

  2. Click the AppDynamics plugin, located on the Plugins tab.

  3. Provide the parameter configuration information in the pop-up panel. The pop-up panel has an Overview and a Configuration tab and provides links to configure the AppDynamics plugin or install a collector.

Parameter configuration:

  1. In the Configuration tab of the AppDynamics plugin panel, define the following plugin parameters:

    • Address — Provide the address (IP address) that you want the collector to receive or listen on.

    • Port Number — Provide the port number that you want the collector to receive or listen on. Port number 8084 is set as the default port.

  2. Toggle on the Enable option when you are ready to start plugin data ingestion.

Configure AppDynamics

To get incidents and alerts, you also need to configure AppDynamics to send event data to the plugin. You can do this before or after you enable the plugin. For more help about configuring AppDynamics, see AppDynamics documentation.

To configure AppDynamics to send event data to the plugin, you must create a HTTP Request Template.

Create the HTTP request template

To create a new HTTP request template:

  1. Log in to AppDynamics and click the Alert and Respond tab.

  2. Click HTTP Request Templates in the left nav.

  3. Specify the settings as defined in the following table.

Template field


Request URL endpoint




Alert POST


The Incident Management endpoint URL consisting of the name and port for the collector.



Enable authentication (as needed)

Authentication Type

Not required

User ID

Not required


Not required

Custom request header

Content Type



Your Incident Management API key. For information on generating an API key, see Manage APEX AIOps Incident Management API keys.




Payload Encoding


Payload text

Specify the payload you want to send.

Example: Add the contents of this file to the field. Download example script.

Response handling criteria


Each HTTP request template must handle the following status codes: 400, 401, 405, 406, 200, and 202.


200. For the 200 status code, make sure that Expect Payload is enabled and the Content Type is application/json.


One Request Per Event

Set to False (remove the checkmark)

Connect timeout

5000 (default)

Socket timeout

5000 (default)

Add the request template to AppDynamics policies

  1. Add your new HTTP request template to all AppDynamics policies that you want to observe in Incident Management.

  2. In AppDynamics, choose Alert and Respond and then Policies.

  3. For each policy that you want to observe in Incident Management, do the following:

    1. Enable all the event triggers that you want to observe in the Incident Management UI.

    2. In the Actions tab, add the HTTP request template you just defined to the Actions to Execute tab.

After you complete the AppDynamics configuration, AppDynamics reports event data to your system.

Validate the plugin and AppDynamics integration

To validate the integration, you have the following options:

  • Test that the AppDynamics plugin collector can listen on the specified port number and IP address.

  • To see if AppDynamics succeeded in transmitting data to the plugin:

    • Check the Incidents > Incidents page or the Incidents > Alerts page to see if the AppDynamics data is flowing into the plugin.

    • Check the Collector Logs on the Collectors panel to help troubleshoot your installation and configuration.