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Match and Update action

Available for event, alert, and incident workflows

This action updates a field based on the contents of other fields. You specify a set of input fields to evaluate. Each input has a corresponding regex tag and an output value. On the first match, the action copies the output value to the output field.

This action provides a simple way to normalize events, alerts, or incidents that have inconsistent formats. Suppose you have multiple event sources that indicate the event class - application, network, database, etc. - using different strings in different fields. You can use this action to find a matching string and then update the event class consistently based on the results.

This action takes the following inputs:

  • Input field(s)

    The set of input fields to search.

  • Regex Tags

    Each input field has a corresponding regex tag and output string. On the first match, copy the corresponding output string to the output field.

  • Output Field

    Apply the output string to this field.

Event example

You have two event sources. For one source, "ping" in the description field indicates a network event. For another source, "stored procedure" in the check field indicates a database event. You want to update the class field to either network or database.

Events Before:

   "description":"ping to cntnr04 > 200ms",
   "service":[ "infraTestService"]
   "description":"proc get-all-addresses failed -- access denied",
   "severity": 5,
   "source": "pd4058",
   "check": "stored procedure get-all-addresses",
   "service":[ "custService"]

You set up your action as follows:

  • Input field(s): description, check

  • Regex Tags:

    • Contains => .*\bping\b.* => network

    • Contains => .*\bstored procedure\b.* => database

  • Output Field: class

Events After:

   "description":"ping to cntnr04 > 200ms",
   "service":[ "infraTestService"],
   "class" : "network"
   "description":"proc get-all-addresses failed -- access denied",
   "severity": 5,
   "source": "pd4058",
   "check": "stored procedure get-all-addresses",
   "service":[ "custService"],
   "class" : "database"

Alert example

Suppose you want every alert with a URL in its description to have a class field value of "network." You can accomplish this by creating an alert workflow with a Match and Update action.

After setting up the trigger, you can configure the match and update action as follows:

  • Input field(s): description

  • Regex Tags:

    • Contains => ([a-z0-9-]+\:\/+)([^\/\s]+)([a-z0-9\-@\^=%&;\/~\+]*)[\?]?([^ \#\r\n]*)#?([^ \#\r\n]*) => network

  • Output Field: class

Here is an example alert that was processed by this workflow:

Alert fields before

Alert fields after

     "description": "Server Health Alert: Connection Issue detected from",
     "class": "database"
     "description": "Server Health Alert: Connection Issue detected from",
     "class": "network"

Incident example

Suppose that you want any incident with the term "router" in its description to also have a tags.device value of "Router". You can accomplish this by creating an incident workflow with a Match and Update action.

After setting up the trigger, you can configure the Match and Update action as follows:

  • Input field(s): description

  • Regex Tags:

    • Contains => .*\b[Rr]outer\b.* => Router

  • Output Field: tags.device

Here is an example incident that was processed by this workflow:

Incident fields before

Incident fields after

    "status": "open",
    "severity": "major",
    "description": "ping failed, router ID=10039",
    "classes": [
    "services": [
    "tags": {
    "status": "open",
    "severity": "major",
    "description": "ping failed, router ID=10039",
    "classes": [
    "services": [
    "tags": {
      "device": [