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Customize anomaly detection for individual metrics

APEX AIOps Incident Management includes a default set of anomaly detection engines and supported metrics. Each supported metric has a set of anomaly-detection settings that you can configure as needed.

Edit anomaly detection and store metrics

Navigate to Correlate & Automate > Metric Policies to edit anomaly detection settings.

Metric policies give you the ability to:

  • Detect anomalies for only the metrics that you need

  • Detect anomalies using the criteria that you define

  • Store metric data without detecting anomalies, so you can still view metric charts without creating alerts and incidents

For more information, see Metric policies overview and Configure metric policies.

View metrics

Navigate to Incidents > Metrics to view metric charts

Metrics gives you the ability to:

  • Create charts that are as general or specific as you need

  • Build queries to view metric data and save them for future use

  • Create a default query which is applied whenever you visit the Metrics page

For more information, see Metric policies overview and Use metric charts.

Before you begin

Before you change the default anomaly detection settings for any specific metric, you should clearly identify and understand the following:

  • The criteria you want to define for normal and anomalous behavior for the metric of interest

  • The Incident Management detection engines and configuration settings

  • The effects of changing the default anomaly detection behavior for the metric of interest

It is also good practice to monitor the affected metric closely after you change the detector to ensure that you are getting the detection behavior you want.