Updates for Moogsoft Onprem and Moogsoft Hosted v9.x
Moogsoft has issued the following updates to Moogsoft Onprem and Hosted v9.x. All updates are cumulative and include the fixes from previous releases.
Moogsoft Onprem v9.1.0
Product Notices for this release
MOOG-18377 : The User Session Audit Logging functionality is being deprecated in the next major release (v9.2.x.x). Currently the feature is configurable via the enableSessionAuditLog setting in the $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/security.conf file, but it is disabled by default. The Audit Logging functionality will not be affected by this deprecation.
The following two Graze and MoogDbv2 endpoints will be removed as part of this deprecation: getAllSessionInfo, getUserSessionInfo
The getUsers graze API endpoint has been updated to return the active status and a last_login timestamp for each user to replace some of the session audit logging functionality.
MOOG-18359 : In the next major release (after v9.1.0), all filters will become case-insensitive. This will affect all places filters are used, for example Graze endpoints which accept a filter as a parameter, Cookbook Recipe filters, Maintenance Window filters, Workflow filters, UI grid filters etc
This update includes the following improvements and fixes:
MOOG-18371 : Upgraded Nginx to v1.25.4
MOOG-18324 / MOOG-18373 : Upgraded RabbitMQ to v3.13.0 and Erlang to v26.2.1
MOOG-18323 : Upgraded JDK to v11.
MOOG-18358 : Upgraded OpenSearch to v2.12.0
MOOG-18010 : Upgraded Percona-XtraDB-Cluster to v8.0.35
MOOG-18361 : Upgraded Hazelcast to v5.3.6
MOOG-18298 : Upgraded Apache-Tomcat to v9.0.85
MOOG-18366 : The graze API endpoint ‘getUsers’ has been updated. The response body includes two additonal parameters; last_login and active
MOOG-18310 : The password is no longer returned with the rest of any UI Integration configuration GET requests. The password will not be updated in any update API calls to an integration unless the password value is changed by the user in the body
MOOG-18326 : haproxy_installer.sh has the following changes:
Interactive inputs have been added to configure an HAProxy Cluster peers (recommended to be an odd number with minimum of 3 peers)
Additional script option -p|-peers will now allow to add HAProxy Cluster peers in the following format: HOSTNAME1:IP1:PORT1,HOSTNAME2:IP2:PORT2,HOSTNAME3:IP3:PORT3
HAProxy config now sticks to a single DB node as long as it is available. Upon the active node is marked down, all sessions to it will be shutdown and new sessions will be moved to the next node
The script will now enable the haproxy service, so it can be started upon server reboot
INT-6304 : A new property missed_heartbeat_timeout has been added to $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/controller.conf with a default value of 20000 (20 sec). This allows a bit more time for Integrations to respond with heartbeats before they are restarted
INT-6331 : UI Integrations now support a Max Heap Size setting. By default, integrations will use the JVM default Xmx value for the host. To override the value used by a single integration, update the integration configuration via API, and add a max_heap_size key into the ‘config’ block with an integer value to represent the number of Megabytes to use for the Xmx for this particular integration.
MOOG-18357 : A prepared statement memory leak in the database, associated with use of the Graph Analyser, triggered by topology updates, has been fixed
MOOG-18353 : An issue which stopped the Email LAM from processing emails in an Inbox if one of them was malformed, has been fixed
MOOG-18309 : The security of OpenSearch has been improved by updating the ciphers used
MOOG-18296 : An versioning issue affecting the CA UIM Integration has been fixed
MOOG-18238 : An issue causing the AutoClose process to prematurely close some alerts has been fixed
MOOG-18236 : A PRC query, used by MoogFarmd, that finds the earliest highest severity events for a batch of alerts, has been improved to provide faster execution time
MOOG-18235 : The query performed by the Database Splitter to preserve PRC earliest highest severity events has been improved to reduce execution time
MOOG-18219 : Added a longer timeout to the install_percona_nodes.sh script and the install_percona_nodes_tarball.sh script, to allow the mysql process to be ready
MOOG-18209 : An issue preventing a User from creating a Filter consisting of multiple ‘CONTAINS’ operators has been fixed
MOOG-18187 : An issue which meant that certain updates to Situations were not forwarded to other moolets such as the TeamsMgr has been fixed
MOOG-17337 : It is no longer possible to update the Group or Department of a user via the updateProfile API call
MOOG-17202 : An issue affecting the accuracy of the UI Service Panel ‘Clear For’ value has been fixed
MOOG-16835 : In the Situation Room, the Visualize tab will now show the latest Recipe used when the current Situation is part of a Superseding Merge
INT-6329 : An issue which caused large Integration state messages to be dropped has been fixed
INT-6328 : Fixed an issue affecting the accuracy of the HA logging from the SCOM Connector
MOOG-18336 : The workflow action EmailEndpoint will now correctly detect configuration changes such as authentication updates
MOOG-18319 : Upgraded ActiveMQ dependency to v5.17.6
MOOG-18370 : Upgraded shiro dependency to v1.13.0
MOOG-18365 : Upgraded commons-compress dependency to v1.26.0
MOOG-18376 : The version of APR included with the Offline RPM Tarball is now v1.7.4
MOOG-18346 : Upgraded antisamy dependency to v1.7.5
MOOG-18307 : Upgraded the jackson-databind dependency to v2.15.3
MOOG-18303 : Upgraded okio-jvm dependency to v3.5.0
MOOG-18301 : Upgraded netty group dependencies to v4.1.100.Final
Moogsoft Onprem v9.0.1
This update includes the following improvements and fixes:
MOOG-17903 : The Ping Poller LAM performs either ICMP or TCP pings (based on the Java Virtual Machine permissions) to one or more sets of IP addresses and will generate a Ping Fail/Ping Success event if an IP address does not respond in time (based on the configuration file for the Ping Poller LAM). Documentation is available here: Ping Poller LAM
MOOG-18081 : The Options dropdown menu for any Situation or Alert list now contains an entry to copy the currently open filter as a URL so it can be shared. This can be done whether the current filter is a Saved Filter or not
MOOG-18080 : Users can now individually control the visible columns and order of those columns for the Alert List in the Situation Room
MOOG-16376 : New methods have been added to the Constants MooBot module:
putUntilDuration(String key, Object/String/Integer value, Integer timeInSeconds) - add entry to constants/namespace which will be removed after the specified time period (in seconds)
getNamespace(String namespace, Integer size) - will create and return a named Constants namespace with a fixed size. Once a fixed size namespace is full, further additions will push out the older entries (FIFO)
MOOG-18210 : The versions of Percona XtraDB Cluster and Percona XtraBackup, as deployed by the install_percona_nodes* scripts, are now both set at v8.0.32
MOOG-18175 : Upgraded JDK to v11.0.19
MOOG-18174 : Upgraded RabbitMQ to v3.12.0 and Erlang to v26.0.1
MOOG-18173 : Upgraded Apache-Tomcat to v9.0.76
MOOG-18170 : Upgraded Opensearch to v1.3.10
MOOG-18140 : Upgraded Hazelcast to v5.2.3
MOOG-18162 : Addons version 2.6.3 is now included
MOOG-18157 : Commented out lines for moolets related to Addons have been added to $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/moog_farmd.conf to make it easier to enable the full Addons functionality
MOOG-18223 : For RPM deployments, any version of RabbitMQ greater than or equal to v3.12.0 but less than v3.13.0 is now supported
INT-6317 : Added support in the Email LAM to configure the ‘mail.imap.auth.mechanisms' property. This is controlled via an optional new property ‘auth_mechanisms’ which can be provided in each 'target’ block inside the LAM configuration file. By default this property is not enabled/configured.
MOOG-18143 : The timestamps of Workflow Engine creation and updates are now recorded in the database table ‘workflows’
MOOG-18020 : Additional logging at INFO, DEBUG and TRACE level has been added to the MoogFarmd CFailoverThread to help debug failover activity
MOOG-18007 : Daily and weekly recurring Maintenance Windows will no longer skip a unit of time if their duration matches their occurrence. i.e. a Daily recurring window which lasts one day, or a weekly recurring window which lasts one week, will both now recur every day/week as expected.
For this to work, the window_handoff property must be enabled. This hidden property is enabled by default but may have been explicitly added and disabled in $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/moolets/maintenance_window_manager.conf
MOOG-17518 : The Moogsoft Grafana plugin has been migrated to ReactJS to ensure support for future versions of Grafana
MOOG-17505 : An additional index on alert_id has been added to the (active & historic) alerts_marked_prc_by_user table to improve performance of the moog_archiver
MOOG-18121 : Increased the log level in MoogFarmD for a message indicating when old entries are purged from the Entropy cache
MOOG-18142 : Upgraded liquibase-core and liquibase-hibernate5 libraries to v4.9.1, and upgraded liquibase-slf4j library to v4.1.0. For the liquibase library, the default log level is INFO, which is now configurable in $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/logging/controller.log.json
MOOG-18136 : Upgraded the SnakeYAML library to version v1.33
MOOG-18207 : Upgraded Spring Boot to v2.7.12 and Spring framework dependencies to v5.3.27
MOOG-18108 : Upgraded Vertx to v4.4.0 and Upgraded Jackson to v2.14.0
MOOG-17763/MOOG-18095 : Upgraded the pac4j library version to 5.4.3 & related libraries (including opensaml)
MOOG-18094 : Upgraded use of javax libraries from javax to jakarta
MOOG-17998 : Added check on moogpoller WebSocket handshake request to match Origin header against webhost configured in $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/servlets.conf
MOOG-18156 : Inspecting the Visualize tab for a Situation where the source event has been moved to the Historic database will no longer trigger an Exception in the log files
MOOG-18098 : The getSituationHosts MoogDbv2 endpoint will no longer require the optional parameter uniqueOnly
MOOG-18203 : An issue which affected the Health Logging for MoogFarmD when multiple External Database modules were in use has been fixed
MOOG-18172 : The moog_db_validator utility is now able to detect differences in row counts for certain tables to aid in diagnosing issues
MOOG-18134 : An issue which could lead to hazelcast memory accumulation in moog_farmd from duplicate event handling, has been fixed
MOOG-18115 : Fixed an issue during OpenSearch installation which reported an error removing an unused plugin for Tarball deployments
MOOG-18103 : The moog_db_validator utility will no longer report differences due to table collation in Percona v8.0.30 onwards
MOOG-18102 : The Percona install scripts have the following changes
They no longer attempt a download/install Percona if the right version of Percona is already installed
The socat dependency is no longer needed for Tarball deployments as it can be installed as an RPM like the rest of the Percona pre-requisite dependencies
When the scripts are run, any running MySQL process will be stopped and the relevant default 'datadir' will be emptied to allow the install to proceed
MOOG-18100 : An issue which would lead to a 'split_batch_sigs' charset DB validator error in 9.0.0 systems upgraded from releases prior to 8.1 has been resolved
MOOG-18065 : The haproxy_installer.sh script now handles configuration of either haproxy 1.x or 2.x (dependent on what is installed)
MOOG-18064 : The getSituationsWithFlag MoogDBv2 endpoint no longer needs all the parameters to be specified
MOOG-18015 : The moog_archiver utility now removes from the user_insights table when the stats removal option (-m) is specified
MOOG-18014 : An issue causing Alerts to be passed between Inform Engine workflows incorrectly has been fixed
MOOG-17997 : If a workflow moolet name is not found during MoogFarmD initialization, there will now be an error in the log to indicate this
MOOG-17993 : The Graze endpoint updateUser will now accept valid duplicate roles or teams. Any duplicate entries will be ignored
MOOG-17990 : The Graze endpoint createWorkflow moolet name parameter is now case-insensitive
MOOG-17964 : A race condition which prevented some data exports from being downloaded has been fixed
MOOG-17960 : The getSituationAlertId MoogDbv2 endpoint will no longer require the optional parameter uniqueOnly
MOOG-17889 : The validation on the landing_page field for the createTeam and updateTeam endpoints has been improved Valid values for landing page configuration while creating a team are mentioned below:
{"name": "TeamName", "landing_page": ""} {"name": "TeamName", "landing_page": {"type":"summary"}} {"name": "TeamName", "landing_page": {"id":"my","type":"situations"}} {"name": "TeamName", "landing_page": {"id":"open","type":"situations"}} // id : 1 refers to the Situation filter id which is visible in the URL bar {"name": "TeamName", "landing_page": {"id":1,"type":"situations"}} // id : 20 refers to the Situation filter id which is visible in the URL bar {"name": "TeamName", "landing_page": {"id":20,"type":"dashboard"}}
MOOG-17411 : The Splitter now removes aged entries from the session_audit_log table. The moog_db_split_configurer -al/--aged_logs_period option defines the retention period in days for both the process_logs and session_audit_log tables (default: 90, min: 7, max: 180)
MOOG-17357 : If the ‘ha’ configuration block is missing in $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/servlets.conf, the Controller will now assume default values for the Cluster, Group etc
MOOG-17351 : Implemented cache to handle the heartbeat of Backend Integrations and remove entry from websocket registry in case of missing heartbeat
MOOG-17225 : Fixed an issue where Visualize data was not available for active situations having their reference events deleted from moogdb via splitter
MOOG-17057 : Corrected $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/system.conf references related to RabbitMQ SSL file location support
MOOG-16778 : The moog_archiver utility will no longer run if it detects another instance of the utility running on the same host. This is to protect long-running moog_archiver jobs from overlapping with another moog_archiver run via cron for example
MOOG-17871 : Removed the stack trace part of the warning from the Teams Manager moolet when it tried to create a duplicate Team based on the name
MOOG-18120 : The haproxy_install.sh script will no longer attempt to install HAProxy if the package is already installed
INT-6314 : Configuration changes for UI Integrations will now be successful if the moolet takes longer than 10s to restart
INT-6321 : Added validation for RabbitMQ message size for Integrations
INT-6320 : A new configuration parameter "zabbix_server_version" has been added in zabbix_lam.conf file to configure targeted zabbix server version, which will be used to determine compatible parameters for the login endpoint
INT-6313 : An issue affecting the Solarwinds UI Integration due to a missing severity mapping has been fixed
INT-6310 : Fixed an issue with inconsistent statuses of UI Integrations which use moolets
INT-6309 : Fixed the HA behaviour for remote Polling LAMs connected with different Moogsoft Bridges within a two-UI server setup
INT-6307 : Fixed an issue where certain payloads when sent to the Dynatrace Integration would take longer than expected to process
INT-6311 : Added a commons-logging bridge for Integrations
Moogsoft Onprem v9.0.0.2
This update includes the following improvements and fixes:
MOOG-18222: Upgraded RabbitMQ to v3.11.18 and Erlang to v25.3.2.2
MOOG-18203: An issue which affected the Health Logging for MoogFarmD when multiple External Database modules were in use has been fixed.
Moogsoft Onprem v9.0.0.1
Grafana does not ship with Moogsoft Onprem. If you would like to install Grafana to use with Moogsoft Onprem/Moogsoft Hosted, you may do so, but it is unsupported by Moogsoft.
This update includes the following improvements and fixes:
MOOG-17749: Updates the maximum number of HttpClient connections and the maximum HttpClient per route connections to be configurable in $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/controller.conf.
MOOG-17552 : Updates Moogsoft Onprem to support Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 8 exclusively.
The installation documentation has been updated accordingly.
Users who want to upgrade to v9.x must follow the Migration document, which involves deploying Moogsoft Onprem onto new RHEL8 servers, importing the existing configuration and database, and then upgrading the database schema.
MOOG-17522 : Updates Moogsoft Onprem to only support Percona 8.x.
MySQL 5.7.x is no longer supported. As such, the versions of Percona XtraDB Cluster and Percona XtraBackup, as deployed by the install_percona_nodes* scripts, are now both set at v8.0.29 (MOOG-17939)
Users who want to upgrade to v9.x must follow the Migration document (Upgrade to Moogsoft Onprem v9.x) which involves applying a database schema script before the upgrade to prepare it for the migration.
MOOG-17847 : Updates the version of Add-ons bundled to v2.5
MOOG-17793 : Upgrades Apache-Tomcat to v9.0.64
MOOG-17952 : Upgrades the Tomcat-Native dependency to 1.2.35
MOOG-17907 : Upgrades OpenSearch to v1.3.6
MOOG-17941 : Upgrades RabbitMQ to v3.10.9 & Erlang to v25.1.2
MOOG-17767 : Upgrades Nginx to v1.22.0
MOOG-17896 : Upgrades the JDK to v11.
MOOG-17593 : Upgrades the MariaDB java client to v2.7.5
MOOG-17587 / MOOG-17951 : Upgrades Hazelcast to v5.1.1 and Shiro to v1.10.0
MOOG-17893 / MOOG-17900 : Upgrades the amqp client library to v5.16.0
MOOG-17791 : Updates the
utility to support comparing Database Views.MOOG-17782 : Improves logging for the MoogDbV2 Update User API
MOOG-17612 : Updates the Situation Manager Labeler Moolet so it also labels Situations at the point of creation.
MOOG-17583 : Makes it possible to configure the group lookup in order for LDAP-based implementations to utilize the
attribute.MOOG-17488 : Reduces the number of times the database is updated while updating user session information to improve performance and reduce locking.
INT-6291 : Updates the Zenoss LAM to support a paginated event poll mechanism. The size is configurable using the new property
MOOG-17748 : Updates the Database Splitter so that, before a run, it now detects and resolves any data inconsistencies that could prevent alerts and Situations from being split to the historic database.
MOOG-17601 : The Database Splitter is now aware of whether the PRC feature is enabled/disabled and will only attempt to save earliest highest severity event data in historic if the feature is enabled.
MOOG-17472 : The Maintenance Window Moolet is now standalone which allows it to react to new Maintenance Windows created by a Moobot within the same MoogFarmD instance.
MOOG-17543 : Adds a check in the
scripts in case the system has the hidepid=2 flag enabled on the procfs mount. If so, a warning is generated informing the user that additional configuration is required to allow Percona to run correctly.MOOG-17516 : Improves the descriptions of some workflows.
MOOG-17897: The ${MOOGSOFT_HOME}/bin/utils/install_percona_nodes.sh script and the ${MOOGSOFT_HOME}/bin/utils/install_percona_nodes_tarball.sh script now support a new optional parameter: -n|--no-binlog-db-names. This parameter allows non-default database names to be provided at install-time to disable the binlog on a per-database basis which increases performance on single node DB cluster installations but is not supported on multi-node clusters.
MOOG-17514 : Includes the Database Pool statistics in the logs for both Apache-Tomcat and Moogfarmd
MOOG-17890 : Reduced the chance of contention between custom_info updates and Teams updates within MoogFarmdD.
MOOG-17493 : Makes the archiver aware of whether the PRC feature is enabled/disabled and only attempts to save training data if the feature is enabled.
MOOG-17468 : Updates the archiver to detect and correct any sig_alert inconsistencies at the beginning of a run, ensuring that expected data is archived.
MOOG-17432 : Makes it possible to enable/disable User Session Audit logging in the database using a new configuration parameter in
$MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/security.conf: enableSessionAuditLog
. The default value is disabled. This setting only takes effect when the local apache-tomcat instance is restarted.MOOG-17407 : Updates the
utility to support a new parameter (-x
) which allows the user to skip the step of the archiving process where Situations and alerts are removed from OpenSearch. This is useful if there are any issues connecting to OpenSearch during the archiving process, for example, which could delay or prevent the process.INT-6296 : Adds moog_varbinds for VBS payload for the SNMP Trap LAM.
INT-5823 : Adds support for multiple engine ids against one users to the SNMP Trap LAM configuration.
MOOG-17467 : Updates the Moobot REST module to use TLS1.2 instead of SSL.
MOOG-17466 : Updates the Notifier Moobot to support
(to verify the remote server identity) if either the "start_tls" or "use_ssl" properties are enabled. The default value ofcheckServerIdentity
.MOOG-17430 : Updates the Nginx configuration to include the
header value.MOOG-17429 : Improves security by no longer using the
file by default. A backup of the original file is located in the$MOOGSOFT_HOME/etc/cots/nginx/
folder if it is still needed. Similarly, the -c switch was removed from the$MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin/utils/moog_init_ui.sh
script. If this script is run with this parameter, it suggests the user accesses the RabbitMQ admin interface directly via a URL instead.MOOG-17426 : Enables the optional password policy by default for the "DB" Security Realm. Password length should be at least 8 characters, and consist of upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, in any order. Only a System Administrator can amend this policy.
MOOG-17425 : Enables URL validation by default for Situation and Alert Client tools to prevent XSS vulnerabilities being exploited. This setting is configurable in
using the "sanitize_client_tool_urls" setting under the "moogsvr" block to support backward compatibility.MOOG-17630 : Improves security by eliminating Apache-Tomcat requests for parameters in some cases.
MOOG-17879 : Allows the UI Client Tool prompt dialog box to be resized
MOOG-17559 : Fixes an issue that would cause Workflow Moolets to become inactive while handling long delay values.
MOOG-17435 : Reduces the minimum session timeout for any user / role to five minutes.
MOOG-17790 : Fixes an issue during upgrade from v8.x -> v8.2 onward which could lead to the historic_feedback view being incorrect.
MOOG-17780 : Fixes an issue causing expired Maintenance Windows to appear in the UI.
MOOG-17773 : Fixes an issue preventing recurring Maintenance Windows from appearing in the Related Changes UI.
MOOG-17729 : Fixes an issue so that closing multiple Situations in the UI no longer changes the Situation ratings unless the User specifically sets a Rating value in the UI dialog box.
MOOG-17604 : Updates the Database Realm password policy to correctly handle user creation/modification requests when a password is not provided.
MOOG-17562 : Fixes some file permission issues with OpenSearch.
MOOG-17553 : Fixes an issue where the wrong JVM folder was selected by various scripts.
MOOG-17540 : Fixes a bug which prevented custom_info-based clustering from working correctly after a Moogfarmd rehup.
MOOG-17901 : The Indexer moolet config file now supports an additional parameter: 'log_documents'. If this value is set to ‘true' (default is false), the moolet will log the contents of the documents it is sending to OpenSearch to be indexed. The logging is visible at TRACE level.
MOOG-17491 : Reduces the potential verbosity of log lines indicating that a Situation description was manually changed by a user.
MOOG-17483 : Fixes a bug preventing the Service Panel "Impacted For" value from increasing.
MOOG-17904 : The fixed_recovery_interval RabbitMQ connection property has been changed to 'false' as the default to improve the reliability of connection attempts
MOOG-17446 : Fixes a number of erroneous nginx-related commands in the
script.MOOG-17414 : Updates the System user so it is displayed against the matching Situation Revived journal entry action when an alert is added to a resolved Situation.
MOOG-17398 : Updates the
utility so that it no longer automatically runs processes at loglevel WARN if the --loglevel flag is not specified.MOOG-17386 : Fixes the Self Monitoring dialog to correctly display the active Moogfarmd health metrics instead of the passive one.
MOOG-17364 : Implements validation to ensure that only Situations with a status of Resolved or Closed can be Revived.
MOOG-17363 : Updates the alertDelta/situationDelta WFE actions so they can utilize a different/correct "previousData" data block to detect field changes.
MOOG-17350 : Updates Moolet Informs so they are able to send event to target Moolet with parenthesis in the name.
MOOG-16488 : Changes have been made to the Resolve/Close Alert/Situation endpoints in the UI which will allow large amounts of Alerts/Situations to be Resolved/Closed successfully
MOOG-17917 : MoogfarmD will no longer log full stacktraces for moobot actions which attempt to update the custom_info for closed alerts and fail due to their status.
INT-6295 : Fixes an issue preventing fields being mapped correctly in the UI for the New Relic integration.
INT-6292 : Fixes an issue with the Dynatrace Notification UI Integration where the signature field could not be overridden.
MOOG-17752 : Improves security by removing the Message Bus UI tab in the Self Monitoring dialog.
MOOG-17915 : The RPMs and non-root Tarball install script will now prevent installation if they detect the host Operating System is not at least RHEL v8.6
MOOG-17406 : Changes the OpenSearch JVM
variable so it points at$MOOGSOFT_HOME/var/lib/opensearch/tmp
for tarball deployment types.MOOG-17330 : Increases the size of the external_id column of the sig_correlation_info table to 255.
MOOG-17295 : Updates two verbose DEBUG level log lines so they are now at TRACE level.
MOOG-17783 : Updates a number of log lines to correctly refer to OpenSearch instead of Elasticsearch.
MOOG-17611 : Updates the application so that it no longer creates or uses the moogadmin user.
MOOG-17608 : Removes database schema upgrades for v6.x.x from the product.
MOOG-17599 : Updates branding in the user interface so the product is now referred to as "Moogsoft"
MOOG-17852 : Reduces the number of times a user session is updated in the database
MOOG-17862 : The TeamsMgr moolet will now write batches of Notifications to the database at a time which can improve throughput
MOOG-17590 : Fixes the
script so it can apply custom OpenSearch user credentials to the$MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/system.conf
without error in more scenarios.MOOG-17579 : Reduces the log level of some log lines and adds Situation and alert IDs to some error log lines.
MOOG-17875 : The 'Feedback' moolet is no longer referenced in the MoogFarmD configuration file as it is not a GA feature
MOOG-17870 : To ensure database tables are not created as UTF8mb4 until a full character set upgrade is done, they have been explicitly marked as UTF8mb3
INT-6294 : Deprecates the Moogsoft Express and Moogsoft Express Client LAM integrations.
MOOG-17427 : Updates lodash, core-js, vue and vue-template-loader UI dependencies.
MOOG-17740 : Upgrades the spring boot dependency to v2.4.13.
MOOG-17731 : Upgrades the versions of json, gson, rhino, commons_cli and commons_io.
Note that due to changes in commons_cli, there can be behavioral differences in the way command line utilities accept arguments. For example, if the
utility is given a -a argument with spaces in the value itself, the utility must be run like -a="-e xample".MOOG-17589 : Upgrades jersey to v3.0.4
MOOG-18086 : Remove log4j 1.2.14 dependency
MOOG-17586 : Upgrades the following dependencies:
log4j - v2.17.2
sl4j - v1.7.36
servlet-api - v4.1.0
activemq-all - v5.17.0
axiom - v1.3.0
axis2 - v1.8.0
jcl_over_slf4j - v1.7.36
validation-api - v2.0.1.Final
MOOG-17770 : Removes the osgi core and osgi locator dependencies.
MOOG-17942 : Upgraded the Apache-Commons-Text package to v1.10.0
MOOG-17765 : Upgrades Apache tika core to v2.4.0.
MOOG-17859 : The hibernate-validator package has been upgraded to v6.2.4.Final to improve the security of the Events API.
MOOG-17764 : Upgrades dependencies versions: Jackson v2.10.2, Jackson-databind v2.10.2, mailapi v1.6.2.
INT-6299 : The SNMP Trap LAM (trapd_lam), now supports two additional configuration parameters
local_engine_boots : Allows control over the expected value of this property for incoming SNMP Traps
A previously available (in v9.0.0) logging property (snmp4j_log_level) will be re-added in a future release of v9.0.x. This feature had to be removed in in order to improve security.
MOOG-17864 : The ‘http.max_content_length’ property in the OpenSearch yml configuration file has been increased to 500mb
MOOG-17796 : Increased the default Buffer Limit for OpenSearch connections to 1GB from 100MB and made it configurable in $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/system.conf
INT-6302 : The Signature field will no longer be overwritten by the SCOM LAM bot if it is changed in the UI
INT-6303 : The Signature field will no longer be overwritten by the AppDynamics LAM bot if it is changed in the UI
MOOG-17914 : The default Xmx value for OpenSearch has been increased to 4 gigabytes.
INT-6293: Makes the
field mappable in the VROps Integration in the UI.
Workflow Engine updates
For information on releases of the Workflow Engine, see Moogsoft Add-ons.