The bidirectional JIRA Software integration keeps critical information synchronized between Moogsoft Onprem and JIRA Software.
If enabled, this integration allows you to:
Create a JIRA issue from an open Situation in Moogsoft Onprem.
Add comments in a Situation Room for them to appear on the linked JIRA issue and vice versa.
Change the status of a Situation to change the status of the linked JIRA issue and vice versa.
It is not possible to create a Situation from a JIRA issue.
You can create a JIRA issue from a Situation in Moogsoft Onprem as follows:
Open a Situation view such as Open Situations.
Right-click on the Situation you want to create a JIRA issue from.
Click Tools and Open JIRA Ticket in the drop-down menu.
Click OK on the response status pop-up window to continue.
After completing these steps, a new issue appears in JIRA. You can create multiple issues from the same Situation but the latest issue replaces the previous issue associated with the Situation. Each new issue has the default summary 'New ticket has been opened for Moogsoft Onprem Situation [<sig_id>]' and the description 'Created from Moogsoft Onprem Situation <sig_id>'. This contains a hyperlink back to the Situation in Moogsoft Onprem.
If you enable auto-assign when installing the integration, the logged in user automatically becomes the assignee for any new JIRA issues created from Situations. Your username must match exactly in Moogsoft Onprem and JIRA for this feature to work.
You can create a JIRA issue from an alert in Moogsoft Onprem as follows:
Open an alert view such as Open Alerts or select the Alerts tab in a Situation Room.
Right-click on the alert you want to create a JIRA issue from.
Click Tools and Open JIRA Ticket in the drop-down menu.
Click OK on the response status pop-up window to continue.
After completing these steps, a new issue appears in JIRA. You can only create a single issue from each alert. Each new issue has the default summary 'New issue has been opened for Moogsoft Onprem Alert [<alert_id>]' and the description 'Created from Moogsoft Onprem Alert <alert_id>'.
When you change the status of a Situation in Moogsoft Onprem, the status of the associated issue in JIRA changes and vice versa.
If you close a Situation, the integration marks the associated JIRA issue as 'Done'. If you change the status of a JIRA issue to 'Done', the integration also closes the associated Situation.
The default status mapping for the integration is as follows:
Moogsoft Onprem | JIRA Software |
Opened | To Do |
Resolved | Done |
Closed | Done |
When you add a comment to a Situation Room, the same comment appears on the associated JIRA issue and vice versa. Any new comment is prefixed by the commenter's username. For example, if a user called 'Operator' makes a comment, it appears in JIRA as "operator: <comment text>".
If you add a journal entry when you close a Situation this also appears as a new comment on the associated JIRA issue.