Monitor Tomcat Servlet Logs
Tomcat writes counter information from each of the main servlets to its catalina.out
once a minute.
Example output:
WARN : [Thread-][20180510 20:57:05.501 +0100] []:136 +|MoogPoller read [16722] MooMs messages in the last [60] seconds.|+ WARN : [Thread-][20180510 20:57:07.169 +0100] []:136 +|Graze handled [55] requests in the last [60] seconds.|+ WARN : [Thread-][20180510 20:57:10.181 +0100] []:136 +|MoogSvr handled [86] requests in the last [60] seconds.|+ WARN : [Thread-][20180510 20:58:03.197 +0100] []:136 +|Situations similarity component calculated similarities for [264] situations in the last [60] seconds.|+
The counters are:
Number of MoogSvr requests in the last minute (i.e. number of standard UI requests made).
Number of Moogpoller MooMs messages in the last minute (i.e. number of messages read from the bus).
Number of Graze requests in the last minute.
Number of similar Situations calculated in the last minute.
In a healthy system that is processing data:
The Moogpoller count should always be non-zero.
The MoogSvr and Graze counters may be zero, but should reflect the amount of UI and Graze activity.
The similar Situations counter may be zero but should reflect the number of similar Situations that are occurring in the system.