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RPM Installation

This topic describes how to install Moogsoft Onprem on a single host.

Follow these steps if you have root access to the machine or machines on which you will install Moogsoft Onprem, and you can connect to Yum repositories outside your network from those machines.

To install Moogsoft Onprem in a highly available distributed environment, see High Availability Installation.

For tarball installation steps, see Tarball Installation.Tarball Installation

Before you begin

Before you start to install Moogsoft Onprem, complete all steps in one of the following documents:

  • Online RPM pre-installation: If you have root access to the machine or machines on which you will install Moogsoft Onprem, and you can connect to Yum repositories outside your network from those machines.Moogsoft Onprem - Online RPM pre-installation

  • Moogsoft Onprem - Offline RPM pre-installation: If you have root access to the machine or machines on which you will install or upgrade Moogsoft Onprem, but you cannot connect to Yum repositories outside your network from those machines.Moogsoft Onprem - Offline RPM pre-installation

Installation process pre-requisite

An experienced Linux RHEL System Administrator is required to perform the installation/upgrade. If help is needed, please contact Moogsoft Support in order to engage Moogsoft Professional Services

Install Moogsoft Onprem

To complete an RPM installation of Moogsoft Onprem, perform the following steps:

  1. Download and install the Moogsoft Onprem RPM packages, using one of the following methods according to your deployment type:

    • If you are performing an RPM installation:

      VERSION=9.1.0; yum -y install moogsoft-server-${VERSION} \
      moogsoft-db-${VERSION} \
      moogsoft-utils-${VERSION} \
      moogsoft-search-${VERSION} \
      moogsoft-ui-${VERSION} \
      moogsoft-common-${VERSION} \
      moogsoft-mooms-${VERSION} \
      moogsoft-integrations-${VERSION} \
    • If you are performing an offline RPM installation, navigate to the location where you copied the RPM files and install them:

      yum install *.rpm
  2. Edit your ~/.bashrc file to contain the following lines:

    export MOOGSOFT_HOME=/usr/share/moogsoft
    export APPSERVER_HOME=/usr/share/apache-tomcat
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/latest
    export PATH=$PATH:$MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin:$MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin/utils 
  3. Source the ~/.bashrc file:

    source ~/.bashrc
  4. Run the Percona install script:


    The script guides you through the installation process. To configure a single database node on the same server as Moogsoft Onprem, use these settings:

    • Configure Percona as "Primary".

    • Do not set the server to "DB only".

    • Set the first database node IP address to the server IP address.

    • When prompted to enter the IP addresses of the second and third nodes, press Enter to skip these settings.

Initialize Moogsoft Onprem

When the installation process is complete, initialize Moogsoft Onprem as follows:

  1. Run the initialization script moog_init, replacing <zone name> with your desired RabbitMQ VHOST:

    $MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin/utils/ -I <zone_name> -u root

    The script prompts you to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) and guides you through the initialization process.

    When asked if you want to change the configuration hostname, type "yes" and enter the public URL for the server. The public URL is the URL the instance will be connected to through a browser.

  2. If you are deploying more than one database, configure HA Proxy to load-balance the database nodes. The following script requires root privileges. Run this script on any host running any Moogsoft Onprem components. Provide your "speedy" Yum repo user credentials when prompted:

    cat > << _EOF_
    echo "Please provide access credentials for the 'speedy' yum repository in order to run the haproxy setup script"
    read -p "AIOps Repository Username: " AIOPS_USER
    export AIOPS_USER
    read -p "AIOps Repository Password: " -s AIOPS_PASS
    export AIOPS_PASS
    bash <(curl -s -k https://\$AIOPS_USER:\$
  3. Restart Moogfarmd:

    service moogfarmd restart

Configure OpenSearch heap size

The minimum and maximum JVM heap sizes must be large enough to ensure that OpenSearch starts.

To set the minimum and maximum JVM heap sizes:

  • For RPM, edit the /etc/opensearch/jvm.options.d/moog.options file.

  • For Tarball, edit the $MOOGSOFT_HOME/cots/opensearch/jvm.options.d/moog.options file.

These heap sizes must be the same value. For example, to set the heap to 4 GB:

# Xms represents the initial size of total heap space
# Xmx represents the maximum size of total heap space


If you change the heap size, you must restart OpenSearch:

  • For RPM, run service opensearch restart.

  • For Tarball, run $MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin/utils/process_cntl opensearch restart.

Disable the enhanced Content Security Policy (optional)

Allow access to external domains

Configure Moogsoft Onprem for use with Safari


Enabling the "latency performance" RHEL profile is strongly recommended. This profile allows RabbitMQ to operate much more efficiently so that throughput is increased and smoothed out.

For more information on performance profiles, see

Enable the profile by running the following command as root:

tuned-adm profile latency-performance

This setting will survive machine restarts and only needs to be set once.

Verify the installation

Optional - Disable the yum repository

To prevent the Moogsoft Onprem packages from being upgraded when a system-level 'yum upgrade' command is run, it is recommended to disable the relevant yum repository. The following command assumes the Moogsoft repo file name is moogsoft.repo:

sed -i 's/enabled.*/enabled=0/' /etc/yum.repos.d/moogsoft-v9.repo

Change passwords for default users

Install Moogsoft Add-Ons

Moogsoft periodically releases add-ons to extend and enhance the core Moogsoft Onprem functionality. For example, new Workflow Engine functions, new Workflow Engines, or Integrations tiles. All add-ons releases are cumulative and include the fixes from previous releases.

Once you have finished upgrading or installing Moogsoft Onprem, you should install the Moogsoft Onprem add-ons to ensure you have the latest version.

See Install Moogsoft Add-ons for more information on how to install the Moogsoft Onprem add-ons.Install Moogsoft Add-ons