Uninstall Moogsoft Onprem
Follow the instructions in this topic if you need to uninstall Moogsoft Onprem and its supporting packages.
Be sure to backup any files that you may need again for another installation.
Stop Core Moogsoft Onprem and Supporting Services
1. Stop all core Moogsoft Onprem services:
service moogfarmd stop service logfilelamd stop service restlamd stop service socketlamd stop service trapdlamd stop
2. Stop any additional moog_farmd or lam instances running as services.
service <service name> stop
3. As a precaution, forcibly kill any remaining core Moogsoft Onprem processes:
kill -9 $(ps -ef|grep java|grep lam|awk '{print $2}') 2>/dev/null kill -9 $(ps -ef|grep java|grep moog_farmd|awk '{print $2}') 2>/dev/null
4. Stop all supporting services:
service nginx stop service opensearch stop service apache-tomcat stop service mysqld stop service rabbitmq-server stop
Uninstall Core Moogsoft Onprem Packages and Remove Directories and Users
1. Uninstall Core Moogsoft Onprem Packages
yum remove $(rpm -qa|grep moogsoft)
If the above command produces errors such as 'Error in PREUN scriptlet' then the following command can be run to bypass script errors:
yum -y --setopt=tsflags=noscripts remove $(rpm -qa|grep moogsoft)
2. Remove Core Moogsoft Onprem Directories
rm -rf /usr/share/moogsoft rm -rf /var/lib/moogsoft rm -rf /var/log/moogsoft rm -rf /var/run/moogsoft
3. Remove any Moogsoft crontab entries with this command:
crontab -l | egrep -v "moog|JAVA_HOME" | crontab -
4. Remove Moogsoft system users (and their home directories):
userdel -r moogsoft userdel -r moogadmin userdel -r moogtoolrunner groupdel moogsoft
Uninstall Supporting Applications
Follow these steps to remove the supporting applications Apache-Tomcat, Opensearch, MySQL, Nginx and RabbitMQ.
Uninstalling Apache Tomcat
Assumption: The Apache Tomcat service has already been stopped as per previous instructions above
To uninstall Apache Tomcat remove the installation directories and the service script:
Please note: Apache Tomcat is not actually installed as an rpm package but is deployed as a tarball (via the moog_init_ui.sh script).
rm -rf /usr/share/apache-tomcat rm -rf /var/run/apache-tomcat rm -f /etc/init.d/apache-tomcat
To remove the tomcat system user and its home directory:
userdel -r tomcat
Uninstalling Opensearch
Assumption: The Opensearch service has already been stopped as per previous instructions above.
To remove the package:
yum remove opensearch
To remove related directories run the following commands:
rm -rf /usr/share/opensearch rm -rf /var/lib/opensearch rm -rf /etc/opensearch
Uninstalling Percona
Assumption: The mysqld service has already been stopped as per previous instructions above.
Remove the Percona packages with the following command:
yum remove $(rpm -qa|grep -i percona)
To remove the related directories:
rm -rf /usr/share/mysql rm -rf /var/lib/mysql
To remove the MySQL system user and its home directory and group:
userdel -r mysql
Uninstalling Nginx
Assumption: The Nginx service has already been stopped as per previous instructions above.
Remove the nginx and supporting packages with the following command:
yum remove nginx
To remove related directories:
rm -rf /etc/nginx rm -rf /usr/lib64/nginx rm -rf /usr/share/nginx rm -rf /var/log/nginx rm -rf /var/lib/nginx
To remove the Nginx system user and its home directory and group:
userdel -r nginx
Uninstalling RabbitMQ
Assumption: RabbitMQ server service has already been stopped as per previous instructions above.
Remove the rabbitmq-server package with the following command:
yum remove rabbitmq-server
To remove related directories:
rm -rf /etc/rabbitmq rm -rf /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/rabbitmq rm -rf /var/log/rabbitmq rm -rf /var/lib/rabbitmq
To stop the erlang epmd daemon:
epmd -kill
Please note: The above command may not be necessary on EL7 installs.
To remove the RabbitMQ system user and its home directory and group:
userdel -r rabbitmq
Uninstall Remaining Packages and Remove Yum Repositories
Optionally, follow these steps to remove the remaining packages that are typically added during a Moogsoft Onprem installation and clean up the Yum repositories:
Remove remaining packages:
Important: Note that the below list of packages is based on reverting back to a "minimal" installation of CentOS 6.9 and will vary with different versions of Linux and installation level.
Care should be taken not to remove packages that impact other important applications that may be installed on the server.
Review carefully the yum summary before proceeding with the removal - specifically any other packages listed in the "Removing for dependencies:"
In the list of removal packages below, the libX* and perl* packages may typically impact other applications.
To remove the remaining packages, run these commands:
yum remove GeoIP GeoIP-GeoLite-data GeoIP-GeoLite-data-extra \ apr compat-readline5 erlang fontconfig freetype gd geoipupdate jdk1.8.0_121 \ libX11 libX11-common libXau libXpm libgfortran libjpeg-turbo libkqueue libpng libxcb libxslt \ nginx-filesystem \ perl perl-DBI perl-Module-Pluggable perl-Pod-Escapes perl-Pod-Simple perl-libs perl-version \ socat tomcat-native
Remove Yum Repositories:
Remove EPEL Yum Repository:
yum remove epel-release rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/epel*
Remove MySQL Community Yum Repository:
yum remove mysql-community-release rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/mysql*
Remove remaining Yum Repositories:
rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/opensearch.repo rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/moog.repo rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/rabbitmq_rabbitmq-server.repo