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Basic HA Installation - Tarball

This topic describes the basic High Availability (HA) installation for Moogsoft Onprem using tarball. This installation configuration has three servers; two for the primary and secondary clusters, and a redundancy server.


This topic describes how to perform the following tasks for the core Moogsoft Onprem components:

  • Stage the installation files on all servers.

  • Install the Moogsoft Onprem packages and set the environment variables.

  • Set up the Percona XtraDB database and HA Proxy.

  • Configure the RabbitMQ message broker and Opensearch search service.

  • Configure high availability for the Moogsoft Onprem core processing components.

  • Initialize the user interface (UI).

  • Configure high availability for data ingestion.

Before you begin

Before you start the tarball basic HA installation of Moogsoft Onprem:


Enabling the "latency performance" RHEL profile is strongly recommended. This profile allows RabbitMQ to operate much more efficiently so that throughput is increased and smoothed out.

For more information on performance profiles, see

Enable the profile by running the following command as root:

tuned-adm profile latency-performance

This setting will survive machine restarts and only needs to be set once.

Prepare to install

Before you install Moogsoft Onprem:

  • Log in as the Linux user on the primary, secondary and redundancy servers and go to the working directory on each server.

  • Make sure that the directories where you will install Moogsoft Onprem meet the size requirements stated in the Moogsoft Onprem Offline Tarball Pre-installation or Moogsoft Onprem Online Tarball Pre-installation instructions. Some files such as the Percona database and Opensearch files will be installed into the Linux user's HOME/install directory.

  • Remove existing environment variables such as $MOOGSOFT_HOME from previous installations.

  • Log in as the Linux user for the primary, secondary and redundancy servers, and on each one, install the dependencies as needed by following the instructions here: Moogsoft Onprem Offline Tarball Pre-installation


Install database and Moogsoft Onprem files on the primary server

  1. Run the following commands on the primary, secondary and redundancy servers that will house a database node:

    mkdir -p ~/install
    cd /opt/moogsoft/${VERSION}/preinstall_files
    cp percona-xtrabackup*.tar.gz ~/install
    cp Percona-XtraDB-Cluster*.tar.gz ~/install
  2. Run the Percona install script on the primary database server. Substitute the IP addresses of your servers and choose the password for the sstuser.

    bash -p -i <primary_ip>,<secondary_ip>,<redundancy_ip>
  3. To verify that the Percona install was successful, run the following command on the primary server. Substitute the IP address of your primary server:

    curl http://<primary_ip>:9198

    If successful, you see the following message : (it can take a few minutes for the node to be synced):

    Percona XtraDB Cluster Node is synced.
  4. Now that you've installed the Percona database, you can install Moogsoft Onprem. Go to your working directory on the primary server, and extract the Moogsoft Onprem distribution archive:

    tar -xf moogsoft-enterprise-${VERSION}.tgz
  5. Run the installation script in your primary server working directory to install Moogsoft Onprem:

    bash moogsoft-enterprise-install-${VERSION}.sh

    When prompted, enter the working directory to install Moogsoft Onprem on the primary server. For example, /opt/moogsoft/aiops. The script guides you through the installation process. You can modify the default installation directory displayed for your environment.

  6. Edit the .bashrc file to set the MOOGSOFT_HOME variable and update the PATH variable to include various directories under MOOGSOFT_HOME that contain binaries and scripts.

    For example:

    export MOOGSOFT_HOME=/opt/moogsoft/aiops
    export PATH=$PATH:$MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin:$MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin/utils:/$MOOGSOFT_HOME/cots/erlang/bin:$MOOGSOFT_HOME/cots/rabbitmq-server/sbin

    And then source the ~/bashrc file:

    source ~/.bashrc
  7. Configure the Tool Runner to execute locally:

    sed -i 's/# execute_locally: false,/,execute_locally: true/1' $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/servlets.conf

Initialize Moogsoft Onprem on the primary server

Initialize the database on the primary server: -qIu root

When prompted for a password, enter the password for the root database user instead of the Linux user. If you are installing Percona on this machine for the first time, leave the password blank and press Enter to continue. The script prompts you to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) and guides you through the initialization process.

Install Moogsoft Onprem files on the secondary and redundancy servers

  1. Run the Percona install script on the secondary and redundancy servers. Substitute the IP addresses of your servers and use the same password as for the primary server.

    bash -i <primary IP address>,<secondary IP address>,<redundancy IP address>
  2. To verify that the Percona install was successful, run the following command on the secondary and redundancy servers. Substitute the IP address of your primary server:

    curl http://<primary IP address>:9198

    If successful, you see the following message:

    Percona XtraDB Cluster Node is synced

    It takes a moment for the secondary and redundancy servers to sync. If you do not get this message, wait for a few moments and then try again.

  3. Now that you've installed the Percona database, you can install Moogsoft Onprem.Go to your working directory in the secondary and redundancy servers, and extract the Moogsoft Onprem distribution archive:

    source ~/.bashrc
    cd /opt/moogsoft/${VERSION}
    tar -xf moogsoft-aiops-${VERSION}.tgz
  4. Run the installation script in your working directory in both servers to install Moogsoft AIOps:

    bash moogsoft-aiops-install-${VERSION}.sh

    When prompted, enter the directory to install AIOps. For example, /opt/moogsoft/aiops. The script guides you through the installation process. You can modify the default installation directory displayed for your environment.

  5. Edit the .bashrc file to set the MOOGSOFT_HOME variable and update the PATH variable to include various directories under MOOGSOFT_HOME containing binaries and scripts.

    For example:

    export MOOGSOFT_HOME=/opt/moogsoft/aiops
    export PATH=$PATH:$MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin:$MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin/utils:/$MOOGSOFT_HOME/cots/erlang/bin:$MOOGSOFT_HOME/cots/rabbitmq-server/sbin

    Source the ~/.bashrc file:

    source ~/.bashrc
  6. Configure the Tool Runner to execute locally:

    sed -i 's/# execute_locally: false,/,execute_locally: true/1' $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/servlets.conf

Install HA Proxy on primary and secondary servers

Install HA Proxy on the primary and secondary servers (root permission required).

  1. Run the following command, using your chosen value for MOOGSOFT_HOME. Substitute the IP addresses of your servers.

    export MOOGSOFT_HOME=/opt/moogsoft/aiops
    $MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin/utils/ -l 3309 -c -i <primary_ip>:3306,<secondary_ip>:3306,<redundancy_ip>:3306
  2. Restart Apache Tomcat and Moogfarmd to start using HA Proxy:

    process_cntl --process_name apache-tomcat restart
    process_cntl --process_name moog_farmd restart
  3. Check that you can connect to MySQL to confirm successful installation:

    mysql -h localhost -P3309 -u root

Set up RabbitMQ on all servers

Initialize and configure RabbitMQ on all three servers.

Primary, Secondary and Redundancy servers:

  1. Run the following command. Substitute a name for your zone. You must use the same zone name for all servers. -pz <my_zone>
  2. Stop RabbitMQ on the secondary and redundancy servers:

    process_cntl --process_name rabbitmq stop
  3. The primary server erlang cookie is located in the Linux user's HOME directory: ~/.erlang.cookie. The erlang cookie must be the same for all RabbitMQ nodes.

    Replace the erlang cookie on the secondary and redundancy servers with the erlang cookie from the primary server. You may need to change the file permissions on the secondary and redundancy erlang cookies first to allow those files to be overwritten.

    After copying the cookie, as the Linux user, make the cookies on the secondary and redundancy servers read-only. For example:

    cd ~
    chmod 406 ~/.erlang.cookie
    mv .erlang.cookie .erlang.cookie.orig
    scp moogsoft@<PRIMARY_IP>:.erlang.cookie .
    chmod 400 .erlang.cookie

Secondary and Redundancy servers:

  1. Restart RabbitMQ on the secondary and redundancy servers and join those servers to the cluster. Substitute the short hostname of your primary server and the name of your zone.

    The short hostname is the full hostname excluding the DNS domain name. For example, if the hostname is ip-172-31-82-78.ec2.internal, the short hostname is ip-172-31-82-78. To find out the short hostname, run rabbitmqctl cluster_status on the primary server.

    The restart command differs depending on whether you are a root or a non-root user:

    • Root: systemctl restart rabbitmq-server

    • Non-root: process_cntl --process_name rabbitmq restart

    <restart command>
    rabbitmqctl stop_app
    rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbit@<primary_short_hostname>
    rabbitmqctl start_app
    rabbitmqctl set_policy -p <my_zone> ha-all ".+\.HA" '{"ha-mode":"all"}'
  2. Run rabbitmqctl cluster_status to get the cluster status. Example output is as follows with extra less important output marked as '...' :

    Cluster status of node rabbit@secondary ...
    Cluster name rabbit@secondary
    Disk Nodes
    Running Nodes

Set up Opensearch on all servers

Follow the Opensearch Clustering guide here: Opensearch Clustering Guide

Configure Moogsoft Onprem

Configure Moogsoft Onprem by editing the Moogfarmd and system configuration files on the primary and secondary servers.

Primary and Secondary servers:

  1. Make a copy of the $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/system.conf file:

    cp -p $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/system.conf $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/system.conf.orig
  2. Edit $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/system.conf and set the following properties. Substitute the name of your RabbitMQ zone, the server hostnames, and the cluster names:

    "mooms" :
    "zone" : "<my_zone>",
    "brokers" : [
        {"host" : "<primary_hostname>", "port" : 5672},
        {"host" : "<secondary_hostname>", "port" : 5672},
        {"host" : "<redundancy_hostname>", "port" : 5672}
    "cache_on_failure" : true,
    "search" :
      "nodes" : [
          {"host" : "<primary_hostname>", "port" : 9200},
          {"host" : "<secondary_hostname>", "port" : 9200},
          {"host" : "<redundancy_hostname>", "port" : 9200}
    "failover" :
        "persist_state" : true,
        "hazelcast" :
            "hosts" : ["<primary_hostname>","<secondary_hostname>"],
            "cluster_per_group" : true
        "automatic_failover" : true,
        { "cluster": "<cluster_name, primary or secondary>" }
  3. Make a copy of the $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/moog_farmd.conf file:

    cp -p $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/moog_farmd.conf $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/moog_farmd.conf.orig
  4. Uncomment and edit the following properties in $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/moog_farmd.conf. Note the importance of the initial comma. Delete the cluster line in this section of the file:

    Primary server

        group: "moog_farmd",
        instance: "moog_farmd",
        default_leader: true,
        start_as_passive: false

    Secondary server

        group: "moog_farmd",
        instance: "moog_farmd",
        default_leader: true,
        start_as_passive: false
  5. Start Moogfarmd on the primary and secondary servers:

    process_cntl --process_name moog_farmd start

Initialize the user interface

Run the initialization script on the primary server. Substitute the name of your RabbitMQ zone and primary hostname.

When asked if you want to change the configuration hostname, say yes and enter the public hostname/domain name used in the URL to access Moogsoft Onprem via browser. If the URL uses a different hostname/domain name (e.g., an alias) the system will reject your login.

Primary server: -twfz <MY_ZONE> -c <primary_hostname>:15672 -m <primary_hostname>:5672 -s <primary_hostname>:9200 -d <primary_hostname>:3309 -n

Edit the servlets settings on the primary server in the file $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/servlets.conf. Note the importance of the initial comma.

,ha :
    instance: "servlets",    
    group: "servlets_primary",    
    start_as_passive: false

Restart Apache Tomcat and Moogfarmd on the primary server:

process_cntl --process_name apache-tomcat restart
process_cntl --process_name moog_farmd restart

Run the initialization script on the secondary server. Substitute the name of your RabbitMQ zone.

When asked if you want to change the configuration hostname, say yes and enter the public hostname/domain name used in the URL to access Moogsoft Onprem via browser.

Secondary server: -twfz MY_ZONE -c <SECONDARY_HOSTNAME>:15672 -m <SECONDARY_HOSTNAME>:5672 -s <SECONDARY_HOSTNAME>:9200 -d <SECONDARY_HOSTNAME>:3309 -n

Edit the servlets settings in the secondary server $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/servlets.conf file. Note the importance of the initial comma.

,ha :
    instance: "servlets",     
    group: "servlets_secondary",    
    start_as_passive: false

Restart Apache Tomcat and Moogfarmd on the primary server secondary server:

process_cntl --process_name apache-tomcat restart
process_cntl --process_name moog_farmd restart

Enable HA for LAMs

There are two types of HA configuration for LAMs; Active/Active and Active/Passive:

  • Receiving LAMs that listen for events are configured as Active/Active. For example, the REST LAM.

  • Polling LAMs are configured as Active/Passive. For example, the SolarWinds LAM.

Every LAM has its own configuration file under $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/. This example references rest_lam.conf and solarwinds_lam.conf.

Primary and Secondary servers

Edit the HA properties in the primary and secondary servers' LAM configuration files. Moogsoft Onprem automatically manages the active and passive role for the LAMs in a single process group:

# Receiving LAM (Active / Active)
# Configuration on Primary
    group            : "rest_lam_primary",
    instance         : "rest_lam",
    duplicate_source : false
# Configuration on Secondary
    group            : "rest_lam_secondary",
    instance         : "rest_lam",
    duplicate_source : false
# Polling LAM (Active / Passive)
# Configuration on Primary
    group                    : "solarwinds_lam",
    instance                 : "solarwinds_lam",
    only_leader_active       : true,
    default_leader           : true,
    accept_conn_when_passive : false,
    duplicate_source         : false
# Configuration on Secondary
    group                    : "solarwinds_lam",
    instance                 : "solarwinds_lam",
    only_leader_active       : true,
    default_leader           : false,
    accept_conn_when_passive : false,
    duplicate_source         : false

Start the LAMs:

process_cntl --process_name restlamd restart 
process_cntl --process_name solarwindslamd restlamd restart 

Run the HA Control command line utility ha_cntl -v to check the status of the LAMS:

Moogsoft AIOps Version{VERSION}
(C) Copyright 2012-2020 Moogsoft, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Executing: ha_cntl
Getting system status
Cluster: [PRIMARY] active
	Process Group: [rest_lam_primary] Active (no leader - all can be active)
		Instance: [rest_lam] Active
        Process Group: [solarwinds_lam] Active (only leader should be active)
                Instance: [solarwinds_lam] Active Leader 

Cluster: [SECONDARY] partially active
	Process Group: [rest_lam_secondary] Active (no leader - all can be active)
		Instance: [rest_lam] Active
        Process Group: [solarwinds_lam] Active (only leader should be active)
                Instance: [solarwinds_lam] Passive

For more information, see the HA Control Utility Command Reference.

Validate the installation