The Webex integration allows Moogsoft Onprem alerts or Situations to be posted as an AdaptiveCard message to a Webex room.
This integration should be used in conjunction with the Webex LAM to provide bidirectional communication with Webex rooms.
For Situations and alerts, the integration enables bidirectional communication and the card includes buttons that allow users to acknowledge, resolve, and close the Situation from Webex. For Situations, users can also send collaboration notes back to the Moogsoft Onprem Situation by replying to the message. Similarly, activity in the Moogsoft Onprem Situation can be forwarded as Webex as replies to the original AdaptiveCard message.
To a Webex user, the integration behaves like a bot. A dedicated Webex bot account is required to allow communication. The integration can post to any rooms to which the Webex integration user has been added. Communication within the room is enabled once the initial notification has been created by the integration for a Situation or alert. Button actions and (for Situations) replies to that notification are forwarded back to the corresponding Moogsoft Onprem Situation or alert. When using a bot account, replies must mention the integration user. Messages sent outside of this context are discarded.
The integration installs the following Situation workflows to control communication between Moogsoft Onprem and Webex:
Create Webex Incident
Handle Webex Response
Post to Webex Incident
Assign Webex Incident
Close Webex Incident
Add Teams to Webex Incident
For alerts, the following workflows are installed:
Create Webex Incident
Assign Webex Incident
Close Webex Incident
These workflows aren't used directly but provide targets actions such as createIncident.
Before configuring this integration:
Configure a Webex LAM. The secret and targetURL from that integration will be required here.
Create a Webex Bot user to serve as the integration user.
Add the Webex integration user to at least one room.
Create a new graze user with a suitable name, such as "Webex Graze User"
Navigate to the integrations tab and click on the Webex tile in the Collaboration section.
Provide a unique integration name. You can use the default name or customise the name according to your needs.
In the General Settings section:
Select the graze user you created from the drop-down list for the Integration User Name.
Provide the Access Token your created in Webex.
Provide the Webhook Secret and Webhook Target URL from the Webex LAM.
Add the name of a room to which the Webex integration user has been added to use as the Default Room Name.
Enable or disable Sync Room Details to periodically refresh room data.
The Sync Room Details option is enabled by default and it's recommended to leave it enabled; however, if very large numbers of rooms are in use, you may with to increase the Sync Interval. Note that room details are captured when the integration user is added to a new room.
Review the other sections:
The Endpoints section allows you to customise the URL used to communicate with Webex or add proxy settings. Normally, this shouldn't be changed.
The Message Payload Maps section allows you to modify the information that will be included in the initial message created for a new Situation. A fixed template is use for the initial AdaptiveCard message. This includes the description, status, alert severity or Situation priority,
and a link back to the alert or Situation, with additional information from the payload map being added as a list of key-value pairs.
Save the configuration.
After you complete the configuration, the integration configures Webex with the required Webhook triggers for sending responses back to Moogsoft Onprem.
To initiate communication from Moogsoft Onprem, you need to create the desired triggering workflows. See Webex Integration Workflows.
The integration adds example client tools to allow manual notification of Situations or alerts to Webex rooms:
Send Situations to Webex
Send alerts to Webex
The tools require the user to supply the room to notify. The room can be supplied in the following forms:
Tools supplied by integrations are reset when the integration is reconfigured. When you customize the tools, it is good practice to make copies and modify the copies.