A GET request that returns the number of Situations a user has viewed within a given time range. Moogsoft Onprem considers a user to have viewed a Situation if they opened the Situation Room.
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Request arguments
Endpoint getViewedSituationsPerUserStats
takes the following request arguments.
Endpoint getViewedSituationsPerUserStats
returns the following response:
Successful requests return a JSON object containing the following:
Name | Type | Description |
| String | "Viewed Situations (full name)" |
| Number Array | An array of data points. Each data point is an array in the format [data point, timestamp]:
The following examples demonstrate typical use of endpoint getViewedSituationsPerUserStats
Request example
A cURL request to return the number of viewed Situations by user 7 from 9am until 3pm on Thursday, 20th September 2018:
curl -G -u graze:graze -k -v "https://localhost/graze/v1/getViewedSituationsPerUserStats" --data-urlencode 'users=[7]' --data-urlencode 'from=1537434000' --data-urlencode 'to=1537455600' --data-urlencode 'aggregation=none'
Response example
A successful response returns the number of Situations viewed by the user Charlie each hour during the time range:
[{ "datapoints":[ [16.0,1537434000000], [26.0,1537437600000], [18.0,1537441200000], [34.0,1537444800000], [18.0,1537448400000], [11.0,1537452000000] ], "target":"Viewed Situations (Charlie Cooper)" }]