A Graze API GET request that returns a list of external service names for a specified Situation.
Back to Graze API EndPoint Reference.
Endpoint getSituationServices
takes the following request arguments:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
| String | Yes | A valid |
| Number | Yes | Situation ID. |
Endpoint getSituationServices
returns the following response:
Successful requests return a JSON object containing the following:
Name | Type | Description |
| Array | A list of the Situation's services. |
The following examples demonstrate typical use of endpoint getSituationServices
Example cURL request to return the services for Situation ID 345:
curl -G -u graze:graze -k -v "https://localhost/graze/v1/getSituationServices" \
--data-urlencode "sitn_id=345"
Example response returning the services for the specified Situation:
"Cloud Management Platform",
"Geographic Information Systems",
"Knowledge Management",
"Online Transaction Processing",
"Storage Subsystem",
"Web Content Management",
"0-bit Emulation","40GbE",
"8-bit Unicode Transcoding Platform"