This is a reference list for the MoogDb v2 API methods. Follow the links to see the details and examples of each method.
The following methods relate to alerts:
addAlertToSituation: Adds an alert to a Situation.
assignAlert: Assigns a user as the owner of an alert.
assignAndAcknowledgeAlert: Assigns and acknowledges the specified user as the owner of a specified alert.
closeAlert: Closes one or more alerts.
createAlert: Creates or updates an alert.
deassignAlert: Removes the assignment of the current owner from an alert.
getAlert: Returns details of an alert.
getAlertActions: Returns the actions for one or more alerts or for a time period.
getAlertCustomInfo: Returns custom information for an alert.
getAlertIds: Returns the total number of alerts, and a list of the alert IDs, for an alert filter and a limit.
reload: Takes a Situation or alert type of CEvent and refreshes the data in the payload but preserves the metadata.
removeAlertFromSituation: Removes an alert from a Situation.
setAlertCustomInfo: Updates the custom information for an alert.
setAlertSeverity: Sets the severity level for an alert.
updateAlert: Updates an alert object and uses it to update the database and the Message Bus.
updateClosedAlert: Updates the description and custom info of a closed alert during the grace period.
updateCustomInfo: Updates the custom info for an alert or a Situation.
The following methods relate to the processes and maintenance:
addProcess: Adds a new process to the database.
addService: Adds a new external service to the database.
createMaintenanceWindow: Creates a maintenance window.
deleteMaintenanceWindow: Deletes a single maintenance window.
deleteMaintenanceWindows: Deletes maintenance windows that match a filter.
findMaintenanceWindows: Finds maintenance windows based on a filter and a limit.
getMaintenanceWindows: Returns maintenance windows based on a start position and a limit.
getProcesses: Returns a list of processes from the database.
getQueueName: Returns the queue name for a queue ID.
getServices: Returns a list of services from the database.
getToolShares: Returns the shared access for a tool.
shareToolAccess: Shares access to a tool with other users, teams, or roles, or makes it global so that all users can access it.
updateMaintenanceWindow: Updates an existing maintenance window.
The following methods relate to Situations:
addSigCorrelationInfo: Adds correlation information to a Situation.
addCorrelationInfo: This method has been superseded; use addSigCorrelationInfo instead.
addThreadEntry: Adds a new entry to an existing thread in a Situation.
assignAndAcknowledgeSituation: Assigns and acknowledges a user as the owner of a Situation.
assignModerator: Assigns a user as the owner of a Situation.
assignTeamsToSituation: Assigns one or more teams to a Situation.
checkSituationFlag: Checks whether a flag is associated with a Situation.
closeSituation: Closes a Situation.
createThread: Creates a new thread for a Situation.
createThreadEntry: This method has been superseded; use addThreadEntry instead.
getActiveSituationIds: Returns the total number of active Situations, and a list of their Situation IDs.
getPrcLabels: Returns Probable Root Cause (PRC) information for all alerts or specified alerts within a Situation.
getResolvingThreadEntries: Returns thread entries for a Situation that have been marked as resolving steps.
getSigCorrelationInfo: Returns all correlation information related to a Situation.
getSigCustomInfo: Returns all custom info related to a Situation.
getSituation: Returns details of a Situation.
getSituationActions: Returns the actions for one or more Situations or for a time period.
getSituationAlertIds: Returns the total number of alerts, and a list of their alert IDs, for a Situation.
getSituationFlags: Returns the flags for one or more Situations.
getSituationHosts: Returns a list of host names for a Situation, either for all alerts in the Situation or just for unique alerts.
getSituationIds: Returns the total number of Situations, and a list of their Situation IDs, for a Situation filter and a limit.
getSituationPrimaryTeam: Returns the primary team assigned to a Situation.
getSituationProcesses: Returns a list of process names for a Situation, and the primary process name, if defined.
getSituationServices: Returns a list of service names for a Situation, and the primary service name, if defined.
getSituationsWithFlag: Returns all the Situations which have a specified flag.
getSituationTopology: Returns the topology of all alerts connected to a Situation.
getSituationVisualization: Returns the Visualize tab information for a Situation.
getThreadEntries: Returns thread entries for a thread in a Situation.
getThreadEntry: Returns a thread entry specified using thread entry ID.
getTopPrcDetails: Returns the top most likely causal alerts, based on their Probable Root Cause value, for a Situation.
mergeSituations: Merges two or more Situations.
moveSituationToCategory: Moves a Situation into a new category.
moveSituationToQueue: Assigns a Situation to a queue and writes a thread entry if required.
rateSituation: Applies a rating to a Situation.
reload: Takes a Situation or alert type of CEvent and refreshes the data in the payload but preserves the metadata.
removeSigCorrelationInfo: Removes all correlation information related to a Situation.
removeSituationPrimaryTeam: Removes the primary team from a Situation.
resolveSituation: Resolves a Situation that is currently open.
reviveSituation: Revives (sets to Open) a Situation that is currently set to Resolved.
setPrcLabels: Sets the Probable Root Cause (PRC) labels for alerts within a Situation.
setResolvingThreadEntry: Sets or clears a thread entry in a Situation as a resolving step.
setSigCustomInfo: Updates the custom information for a Situation.
setSituationFlags: Updates the flags associated with a Situation.
setSituationPrimaryTeam: Sets one of the teams already assigned to a Situation as the primary team.
setSituationProcesses: Applies a list of processes to a specified Situation.
setSituationServices: Applies a list of external services to a specified Situation.
updateClosedSituation: Updates the description and custom info of a closed Situation during the grace period.
updateCustomInfo: Updates the custom info for an alert or a Situation.
updateSituation: Updates a Situation object and uses it to update the database and the Message Bus.
The following methods relate to the management of users, teams and roles:
createTeam: Creates a new team, by passing an object containing team information.
createUser: Creates a user, by passing an object containing user properties.
deleteTeam: Deletes a single team.
getAllSessionInfo: Returns session information for all users over a period of time.
getTeam: Returns a team's details by team ID or team name.
getTeams: Returns details of all teams.
getTeamsForService: Returns all teams related to a service.
getTeamSituationIds: Returns the total number of Situations, and a list of the Situation IDs, associated with a team.
getUser: Returns details of a user.
getUserName: Returns the username for a user ID.
getUserRoles: Returns the roles of a user.
getUsers: Returns details of all users.
getUserSessionInfo: Returns session information for a single user over a period of time.
getUserTeams: Returns the team IDs and team names for a user.
updateTeam: Updates an existing team.
updateUser: Updates an existing user.
The following methods relate to the Workflow Engine:
createWorkflow: Creates a new workflow at the end of a Workflow Engine Moolet sequence.
deleteWorkflow: Deletes a workflow from a Workflow Engine Moolet.
getWorkflowEngineMoolets: Returns a list of Workflow Engine Moolets and the functions available in each.
getWorkflows: Returns the workflows for a Workflow Engine Moolet.
reorderWorkflows: Reorders the sequence of workflows within a Workflow Engine Moolet.
sendToWorkflow: Sends a Moolet Inform message to a workflow in an Inform Workflow Engine.
updateWorkflow: Updates one or more existing workflows in the Workflow Engine.