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Moogsoft Onprem Directory Structure

The following is a general description of the type of files that reside in each directory within the Moogsoft Onprem home directory.

Moogsoft Onprem home

The Moogsoft Onprem home directory or $MOOGSOFT_HOME defaults to the following directory:


When you perform a tarball install, you choose the location for $MOOGSOFT_HOME.


Binaries for Moogfarmd, LAMs, and other utilities:


Shell scripts

Additional utilties and shell scripts are located in the utils directory. See Command Line Utilityfor more information.



MooBots and LamBots are JavaScript code that provide the processing logic for Moolets and LAMS. See Moobots and LAMbots for more information.


Configuration files

Configuration files are located in the config directory:

  • JSON files containing logging information are found in the logging directory. See Configure Logging for more information.Configure Logging

  • Moolets process events, alerts, or situations. They are subcomponents of each Moogfarmd instance. Configuration files for Moolets are located within the moolets directory. See Moolets for more information.


Contributed files

Utilities, libraries, and modules that are not built into the product are located in the contrib directory:


Jar files

All supporting Java files, including for moolets and webapps, are located in the lib folder:


User Interface (UI) supporting files

All files related to the UI, including css, html, and map files, are located in the ui folder:


Third party and other supporting files

Integrations, Management Information Base (MIB) files, Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) files, the End-User License Agreement (EULA), Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), Database files, and source function libraries for LamBots are all located in the etc folder:

  • UI Integration zip files are found in the integrations folder:

  • MIB files are virtual databases of variables describing the conditions of each SNMP device. See MIBs for more information.

  • Third party configuration files, including mysql, tomcat, and rabbitmq, are located in the cots directory:

  • The End-User License Agreement contains the software license, fees, confidentiality, and more between Moogsoft and the user:

  • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an open standard that allows identity providers to pass authorization credentials to service providers. The SAML protocol enables the system to be configured to allow SIngle Sign-On (SSO). See Configure Single Sign-On with SAML for more information.

  • SQL and checksum files are found within the moog directory:

  • Service-Wrappers are templates for configuring LAMS to start/stop as a service:
