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You can use this integration to configure multiple OAuth endpoints for use with the Workflow Engine. Once you set up an endpoint, you can use the getOAuthToken action to fetch an OAuth2.0/OCID token. This token can then be added as an authorization header to REST requests sent using any of the following actions.

Before you Begin

Before you start to set up your integration, make sure you know the following values for your OAuth2.0/ODIC endpoint:

  • Endpoint Name: A unique name for the endpoint for use in Workflow Engine configuration.

  • URL: Destination for the endpoint.

  • Timeout: Value in seconds.

  • Client Credentials in Header: Check to pass any client_id and client_secret parameters in a Basic Auth header.

  • Parameters: Required for the chosen grant type. Supported grants types are:

    • password

    • client_credentials

Additionally, make sure you have identified any additional information required to access your endpoint:

  • Headers: Additional HTTP headers.

  • Security: Optionally disable certificate validation.

  • Proxy Settings: Configuration required to access the endpoint within your environment.

Configure the OAuth Endpoints Integration

To configure the OAuth Endpoints integration:

  1. Navigate to the Integrations tab.

  2. Click OAuth Endpoints in the Workflow section.

  3. Provide a unique integration name. You can use the default name or customize the name according to your needs.

  4. Enter the connection details for each endpoint you want to configure.

Use an Endpoint in a Workflow

After you complete the configuration, you can refer to the endpoint by name in your workflows. See getOAuthToken for more information.