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Micro Focus Operations Orchestration Workflows

The Micro Focus Operations Orchestration integration installs the following workflows:

Outbound Requests

Workflows which perform outbound notification

Workflow Name

Engine Name


Launch Micro Focus OO Flow

Alert Inform Engine

Sends an outbound request to Micro Focus OO to launch a flow

Launch Micro Focus OO Flow

Situation Inform Engine

Sends an outbound request to Micro Focus OO to launch a flow

Inbound Requests

Workflows which handle inbound notifications

Workflow Name

Engine Name


Process Micro Focus OO Response

Situation Inform Engine

Processes an inbound request from Micro Focus OO to update a triggering alert or situation with execution status of the launched flow.

Process Micro Focus OO Response

Alert Inform Engine

Processes an inbound request from Micro Focus OO to update a triggering alert or situation with execution status of the launched flow.


The following sections explain how to use the Micro Focus OO Flows.

Automated Launching of Micro Focus OO Flows

To automatically launch flows from alerts or situations, ensure that the “Launch Micro Focus OO Flow” workflows are enabled.

To trigger the outbound request from an alert or situation, add a workflow to the “Alert Workflows” or “Situation Workflows” WFE that includes the sendRequestToAutomation function.

For example, the following added to the “Alert Workflows” WFE triggers the a flow to perform a ping test for alerts matching:

Workflow Name: Send Request to MFOO automation

Entry filter: 'manager' = 'MICROFOCUS'

First Match Only: Checked

Action Name



Forwarding Behavior

0 seconds


0 seconds

Trigger request to MFOO


{"serviceName":"microfocusoo", "instanceName":"MicroFocusOO1", "templateName":"runPingTest"}

Stop This Workflow

Where the instanceName argument matches the Instance Name configured in the AlertOps integration tile and the templateName matches a template configured in that instance.

If successful, the the alert updates custom_info.automation.MicfoFocusOO.MicroFocusOO1 to:


If the request is unsuccessful, the “status” and any returned error message will be added to the “summary”:

  "summary": "Status code: 404, status_msg: Not Found, msg:  ......"

Manually Launching Micro Focus OO Flows

A client tool “Launch Micro Focus OO Flow” is available which allows the manual launching of flows from alerts and situations.

To use the tool, ensure that the “Launch Micro Focus OO Flow” workflows are enabled and update the tool prompts to include any instances and flow templates configured in the integration tile.

Processing Responses from Micro Focus OO

To update alerts and situations with the results of a flow executed in Micro Focus OO, ensure the “Process Micro Focus OO Response” is enabled and that the flows are updated to include the following callback:

curl -X POST -k -u ${grazeuser}:${grazepw} \
     ${aiopshost}/graze/v1/sendToWorkflow?rejectUnauthorized=false \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d \ 
     '{ "workflow_name":"Process Micro Focus OO Response",
        "engine_name":"Situation Inform Engine",

The ${ceventtype}, ${ceventid} and ${instance} variables are taken from the triggering request. The ${status}, ${formattedResults} and ${resultsLink} variables update with the flow results.

The returned results are used to update custom_info.automation.MicfoFocusOO.${instance} of the originating alert or situation.

For an alert that belongs to no active situations, custom_info.automation.MicfoFocusOO.${instance} updates with:

  "summary": "${formattedResults}",
  "resultsURL": "${resultsLink}"

It the alert belongs to active situations, the summary is omitted from custom_info and instead adds a collaboration thread entry to the situations, if that option is enabled in the integration. In this case, custom_info.automation.MicfoFocusOO.${instance}.alert-${ceventid} in the situations also updates with:


For situations, custom_info.automation.MicfoFocusOO.${instance} will be updates with:

  "resultsURL": "${resultsLink}"

And a collaboration thread entry is added to the summary , if that option is enabled in the integration.