This is a reference list for the Graze API endpoints. Follow the links to see the details of each endpoint.
All Graze API requests, other than authenticate, require a basic authentication header or a valid auth_token
. You must make a valid authenticate request before using any Graze API request without a basic authentication header. See Authentication for more information.
The following Graze API endpoints relate to alerts:
addAlertCustomInfo: Adds and merges custom information for an alert.
addAlertToSituation: Adds an alert to a Situation.
assignAlert: Assigns a user as the owner of an alert.
assignAndAcknowledgeAlert: Assigns and acknowledges a user as the owner of an alert.
closeAlert: Closes one or more alerts.
deassignAlert: Deassigns the current owner from an alert.
getAlertActions: Returns the actions for one or more alerts.
getAlertDetails: Returns details, such as the description or severity, of an alert.
getAlertIds: Returns the total number of alerts, and a list of the alert IDs, for an alert filter and a limit.
removeAlertFromSituation: Removes an alert from a Situation.
resolveAlerts: Resolves a list of alerts.
setAlertAcknowledgeState: Acknowledges or unacknowledges the owner of an alert.
setAlertSeverity: Sets the severity level of an alert.
updateClosedAlert: Updates the description and custom info of a closed alert during the grace period.
Use the following Graze API endpoints to configure Cookbooks and Recipes:
addBotRecipe: Creates a new Cookbook Bot Recipe.
addCookbook: Creates a new Cookbook.
addValueRecipe: Creates a new Cookbook Recipe using Value Recipe or Value Recipe v2 recipe types.
deleteCookbook: Deletes an existing Cookbook.
deleteRecipe: Deletes an existing Cookbook Recipe.
getCookbooks: Returns all the Cookbooks in Moogsoft Onprem.
getRecipes: Returns all the Recipes in Moogsoft Onprem.
updateBotRecipe: Updates a Cookbook Bot Recipe.
updateCookbook: Updates a Cookbook.
updateValueRecipe: Updates a Cookbook Recipe that uses either a Value Recipe or a Value Recipe v2 recipe type.
Use the following Graze API endpoints to configure Tempus:
addTempus: Adds a new Tempus Moolet.
deleteTempus: Deletes an existing Tempus Moolet.
getTempus: Returns the details of all Tempus Moolets in Moogsoft Onprem.
updateTempus: Updates an existing Tempus Moolet.
Use the following Graze API endpoints to update the default merge group:
getDefaultMergeGroup: Returns details of the default merge group in Moogsoft Onprem.
updateDefaultMergeGroup: Updates the default merge group in Moogsoft Onprem.
Use the following Graze API endpoints to configure custom merge groups:
addMergeGroup: Adds a new custom merge group.
deleteMergeGroup: Deletes an existing custom merge group.
getMergeGroups: Returns details of all the custom merge groups in Moogsoft Onprem.
updateMergeGroup: Updates a custom merge group.
See the Stats API for information on Graze API endpoints that provide statistics related to dashboards or reporting.
The following Graze API endpoints relate to Moogsoft Onprem processes and scheduled maintenance:
addProcess: Adds a new process to the database.
addService: Adds a new external service to the database.
createMaintenanceWindow: Creates a maintenance window that filters alerts caused by a known period of maintenance.
deleteMaintenanceWindow: Deletes a single maintenance window.
deleteMaintenanceWindows: Deletes maintenance windows that match a filter.
findMaintenanceWindows: Returns maintenance windows that match a filter.
getMaintenanceWindows: Returns maintenance windows based on the window ID and how many should be fetched.
getProcesses: Returns a list of the processes in the database.
getServices: Returns a list of the services in the database.
getSeverities: Returns a list of possible severities and their severity IDs.
getStatuses: Returns a list of statuses that can apply to Situations and their IDs.
getSystemStatus: Returns current system status information for all processes.
getSystemSummary: Returns a summary of current alerts and Situations in Moogsoft Onprem.
getToolShares: Returns the shared access for a tool.
shareToolAccess: Shares access to a tool with other users, teams, or roles, or makes it global so that all users can access it.
updateMaintenanceWindow: Updates an existing maintenance window.
The following Graze API endpoints relate to Situations:
addSigCorrelationInfo: Associates the external client with a Situation.
addSituationCustomInfo: Adds and merges custom information for a Situation.
addThreadEntry: Adds a new entry to an existing thread in a Situation.
assignAndAcknowledgeSituation: Assigns and acknowledges the moderator to a Situation.
assignSituation: Assigns the moderator to a Situation.
assignTeamsToSituation: Assigns one or more teams to a Situation, or unassigns all teams from a Situation.
closeSituation: Closes a Situation which is currently open, and optionally closes alerts in the Situation.
createSituation: Creates a manual Situation. The Situation description is set with the
parameter.createThread: Creates a new thread for a Situation.
createThreadEntry: Creates a new entry in an existing thread in a Situation. This endpoint has been superseded by addThreadEntry.
deassignSituation: Deassigns the current moderator from a Situation.
getActiveSituationIds: Returns the total number of active Situations, and a list of their Situation IDs.
getPrcLabels: Returns probable root cause (PRC) information for all alerts or specified alerts within a Situation.
getResolvingThreadEntries: Returns thread entries for a Situation that have been marked as resolving steps.
getSigCorrelationInfo: Returns all correlation information related to a Situation.
getSimilarSituationIds: Returns a list of IDs of similar Situations, for a Situation ID and a limit.
getSimilarSituations: Returns the details of similar Situations for a Situation and a limit.
getSituationActions: Returns the actions for a list of Situations.
getSituationAlertIds: Returns the total number of alerts, and a list of the alert IDs for a Situation.
getSituationDescription: Returns the description for a Situation.
getSituationDetails: Returns the details of a Situation.
getSituationHosts: Returns the hosts for a Situation.
getSituationIds: Returns the total number of Situations, and a list of their Situation IDs, for a filter and a limit.
getSituationPrimaryTeam: Returns the primary team on a Situation.
getSituationProcesses: Returns a list of process names for a Situation.
getSituationServices: Returns a list of external service names for a Situation.
getSituationSeverityChanges: Returns the changes in severity for a Situation. It returns increases in severity and a change to a severity of 0 (Clear).
getSituationsWithFlag: Returns all the Situations which have the specified flag.
getSituationTopology: Retrieves the node and link details for a Situation and topology.
getSituationVisualization: Returns information on the origin and cause of a Situation.
getThreadEntries: Returns thread entries for a Situation.
getThreadEntry: Returns a thread entry specified using the thread entry ID.
getTopPrcDetails: Returns the top most likely causal alerts, based on their Probable Root Cause value, for a Situation.
mergeSituations: Merges multiple Situations.
rateSituation: Applies a rating to a Situation.
removeSigCorrelationInfo: Removes all correlation information related to a Situation.
removeSituationPrimaryTeam: Removes the primary team from a Situation.
resolveSituation: Resolves a Situation that is currently open.
setPrcLabels: Sets the probable root cause (PRC) labels for specified alerts within a Situation.
setResolvingThreadEntry: Sets or clears a thread entry in a Situation as a resolving step.
setSituationAcknowledgeState: Acknowledges or unacknowledges the moderator who has been assigned to a Situation..
setSituationDescription: Sets the description for a Situation.
setSituationPrimaryTeam: Sets one of the teams already assigned to a Situation as the primary team.
setSituationProcesses: Applies a list of processes to a Situation.
setSituationServices: Applies a list of external services to a Situation.
/situations/{situationID}/topologies: Retrieves the topologies related to the alerts in a Situation.
updateClosedSituation: Updates the description and custom info of a closed Situation during the grace period.
The following Graze API endpoints relate to security realms:
createSecurityRealm: Creates a new security realm from an Identity Provider (IdP) URL.
getSecurityRealm: Returns a JSON object containing the names and configuration details of active security realms.
updateSecurityRealm: Updates an existing security realm in the database.
See Topologies API Endpoint Reference for a list of endpoints related to topologies.
The following Graze API endpoints relate to the management of users, teams and roles:
applyNewLicense: Adds a Moogsoft Onprem license via Graze.
createTeam: Creates a new team.
createUser: Creates a new user.
deleteTeam: Deletes a single team.
getAllSessionInfo: Returns session information for all users over a period of time.
getTeam: Returns a team's details by team ID or name.
getTeams: Returns the details of all the teams in Moogsoft Onprem.
getTeamsForService: Returns all teams related to the service with the specified ID or name.
getTeamSituationIds: Returns the total number of Situations that are assigned to a team, and a list of their Situation IDs.
getUserInfo: Returns information about a user.
getUserRoles: Returns the user's roles from the database.
getUsers: Returns a list of all users in the database.
getUserSessionInfo: Returns session information for a single user over a period of time.
getUserTeams: Returns the team names and IDs associated with a user ID or username.
updateTeam: Updates an existing team.
updateUser: Updates an existing user.
The following Graze API endpoints relate to the Workflow Engine:
createWorkflow: Creates a new workflow in the Workflow Engine.
deleteWorkflow: Deletes a workflow from the Workflow Engine.
getWorkflowEngineMoolets: Returns a list of all the workflows in all the Workflow Engine Moolets in Moogsoft Onprem.
getWorkflows: Returns workflows for a specified Workflow Engine Moolet.
reorderWorkflows: Reorders the sequence of workflows within a Workflow Engine Moolet.
sendToWorkflow: Sends a Moolet Inform message to a workflow in an Inform Workflow Engine.
updateWorkflow: Updates an existing workflow in the Workflow Engine.