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Assigment Notifications for Situations and Alerts

You can set up Moogsoft Onprem to send notifications to Webex automatically when situations or alerts get assigned.

Situation assignment notifications

To send assignment notifications to Webex, verify that the Assign Webex Incident outbound notification workflow is enabled.

To trigger the outbound notification, add a workflow to the situationDelta workflow engine that includes the “sendAssignedToIncident” action. For example:

Workflow Name: Assign Webex Incident

Action Name



Forwarding Behavior

0 seconds


0 seconds


Situation assigned


{"actionTypes":["Assigned Moderator"]}

Stop This Workflow

Trigger send to Webex



Stop This Workflow

The serviceName should be “webex” and all other fields should be empty unless the moderatorName sets the moderator name to use. If the moderatorName argument is omitted, the moderator name is taken from the situation retrieved by the outbound workflow.

By default, this adds a reply to the Webex incident message in the format:

Situation assigned to moderator <moogsoft username>

Alert assignment notifications

To send assignment notifications to Webex, verify that the Assign Webex Incident outbound notification workflow is enabled.

To trigger the outbound notification, add a workflow to the Alert Actions workflow engine that includes the “sendAssignedToIncident” action. For example:

Workflow Name: Assign Webex Incident

Entry filter: (NOT 'custom_info.ticketing.webex' is null) AND 'state' is one of '["Acknowledged","Assigned"]'

First Match Only: Checked

Action Name



Forwarding Behaviour

0 seconds


0 seconds


Check is assigned


Stop This Workflow

Trigger send to Webex



Stop This Workflow

The serviceName should be “webex” and all other fields should be empty unless the moderatorName argument specifies the moderator name to use. If the moderatorName argument is omitted, the owner name is taken from the alert retrieved by the outbound workflow.

By default, this adds a reply to the Webex incident message in the format:

Alert assigned to moderator <moogsoft username>