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Create Notifications for Situations and Alerts

You can set up Moogsoft Onprem to send notifications to Webex automatically when situations or alerts get created.

Situation creation notifications

To send notifications to Webex, verify that the Create Webex Incident outbound notification workflow is enabled in the “Situation Integration” engine.

To trigger the outbound notification, add a workflow to the Situation Workflows workflow engine that includes the “createIncident” action. For example:

Workflow Name: Create Webex Incident

Entry filter: 'status' != 'Closed'

First Match Only: Checked

Action Name



Forwarding Behaviour

120 seconds


120 seconds


Trigger send to Webex


{"serviceName":"webex","arguments":{"rooms":["Incident Room 1","Incident Room 2"]}}

Stop This Workflow

The serviceName should be “webex” and all other fields should be empty, unless you want to override the room. By default, the integration will post to the Default Room Name configured in the integration. To override this, specify a list of rooms in the arguments parameter. The previous example would post to the rooms: “Incident Room 1” and “Incident Room 2”.

This will send a request to Webex and add a thread entry for each room notified, e.g.:

Webex incident card created in room 'Incident Room 1'

You can adjust the Entry filter in the trigger workflow to control which situations are forwarded to Webex.

The outbound notification uses the Webex Situation payload map in the Webex integration to construct the message AdaptiveCard message for the notification.

The card uses a fixed template:

Icon (clickable linking back to situation)




<key 1>

<value 1>

<key 2>

<value 2>

<key 3>

<value 3>



<key n>

<value n>

Acknowledge (button)

Resolve (button)

Close (button)

Where <label>, <status>, <description> and the <key x>, <value x> pairs are all derived from and customisable in the payload map.

If label, status or description are excluded from the payload map, they default to the following macro mappings:




$EXPAND(status) Situation # $(sig_id)





Alert creation notifications

To send notifications to Webex, verify that the “Create Webex Incident” outbound notification workflow is enabled in the “Alert Integration” engine.

To trigger the outbound notification, add a workflow to the “Alert Workflows” workflow engine that includes the “createIncident” action. For example:

Workflow Name: Create Webex Incident

Entry filter: 'status' != 'Closed'

First Match Only: Checked

Action Name



Forwarding Behaviour

0 seconds


0 seconds


Trigger send to Webex


{"serviceName":"webex","arguments":{"rooms":["Incident Room 1","Incident Room 2"]}}

Stop This Workflow

The serviceName should be “webex” and all other fields should be empty unless you want with to override the room. By default, the integration will post to the Default Room Name configured in the integration. To override this, specify a list of rooms in the arguments parameter. The above example would post to the rooms: “Incident Room 1” and “Incident Room 2”.

The outbound notification uses the Webex Alert payload map in the Webex integration to construct the message AdaptiveCard message for the notification.

The template used is similar to that used for situations and includes the action buttons at the bottom to allow limited bidirectional communication.