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Alert Rules Engine Reference

This is a reference for the Alert Rules Engine Moolet.

Moogsoft recommends you do not change any properties that are not in this reference guide.

You can change the behavior of the Alert Rules Engine by editing the configuration properties in the $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/moolets/alert_rules_engine.conf configuration file. It contains the following properties:


Name of the Alert Rules Engine Moolet. Do not change.

Type: String

Required: Yes

Default: "AlertRulesEngine"


Moolet class name. Do not change.

Type: String

Required: Yes

Default: "CAlertRulesEngine"


Determines whether the Alert Rules Engine runs when Moogsoft Onprem starts. By default, it is set to false, so it does not start when Moogfarmd starts. You can change this property to true so that, when Moogfarmd starts, it automatically creates an instance of the Alert Rules Engine.

Type: Boolean

Required: Yes

Default: false


Determines whether or not Moogsoft Onprem includes the Alert Rules Engine in the Event Processing metric for Self Monitoring.

Type: Boolean

Required: Yes

Default: true


Specifies a JavaScript file found in $MOOGSOFT_HOME/moobots, which defines the Alert Rules Engine Moobot. The default, AlertRulesEngine.js, provides the standard modules. You can customize it to meet your needs.

Type: String

Required: Yes

Default: "AlertRulesEngine.js"


Determines whether or not the Alert Rules Engine listens for messages on the message bus. If set to true, the Alert Rules Engine processes messages on the Alerts topic on the message bus. This property should not be included in the configuration file, or should be commented out, if the process_output_of property is defined.

Type: Boolean

Required: No

Default: false


Defines the input source for the Alert Rules Engine. This determines the Alert Rules Engine's place in the alert processing workflow. If this property is defined, the mooms_event_handler property should be omitted or commented out in the configuration file.

Type: List

Required: No

One of: AlertBuilder, MaintenanceWindowManager, Enricher

Default: "MaintenanceWindowManager"