Stats API
You can use the Stats API endpoints to report on Moogsoft Onprem data. These endpoints return various statistics about teams, Situations and services.
You can also fetch information on the Mean Time to Acknowledge (MTTA), Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) and Mean Time to Resolve (MTTR).
System Endpoints
The following endpoints return data statistics relating to your Moogsoft Onprem system:
getAlertsInNewSituationsStats: Returns the number of alerts that belong to new Situations in the specified time range.
getMTTAStats: Returns the Mean Time To Acknowledge (MTTA) Situations in the specified time range.
getMTTDStats: Returns the Mean Time To Detect (MTTD) Situations in the specified time range.
getMTTRStats: Returns the Mean Time To Resolve (MTTR) for Situations in the specified time range.
getNewAlertsStats: Returns the number of new alerts in the specified time range.
getNewAlertsPerSituationsStats: Returns the percentage of noise reduction from alerts-to-Situations clustering in the specified time range.
getNewEventsPerAlertsStats: Returns the percentage of noise reduction from events-to-alerts aggregation and deduplication in the specified time range.
getNewEventsPerSituationsStats: Returns the percentage of noise reduction from events-to-Situations aggregation, deduplication, and clustering in the specified time range.
getNewSituationsStats: Returns the number of new Situations created in the specified time range.
getReassignedSituationStats: Returns the number of Situations reassigned in the specified time range.
getReoccurringSituationStats: Returns the percentage of reoccurring situations in the specified time range.
getServiceSituationStats: Returns the number of active Situations impacting a service in the specified time range.
getSeveritySituationStats: Returns the number of Situations by severity in the specified time range.
getStats: Returns all available Stats API endpoints along with their description and request parameters.
getStatusSituationStats: Returns the number of Situations by status.
getSystemSituationStats: Returns the number of active Situations in the specified time range.
getTopServiceSituationStats: Returns the number of active Situations impacting a top service in the specified time range.
Team Endpoints
The following endpoints return data statistics relating to your Moogsoft Onprem teams:
getCommentCountPerTeamStats: Returns the total number of comments each hour for a specific team or teams in the specified time range.
getMTTAPerTeamStats: Returns the mean time to acknowledge (MTTA) a Situation per team in the specified time range.
getMTTRPerTeamStats: Returns the mean time to resolve (MTTR) a Situation per team in the specified time range.
getReassignedSituationsPerTeamStats: Returns the number of reassigned Situations associated with a team or multiple teams in the specified time range.
getReoccurringSituationPerTeamStats: Returns the number of reoccurring Situations associated with a team in the specified time range.
getServiceSituationPerTeamStats: Returns the number of Situations impacting each service for a team.
getSeveritySituationPerTeamStats: Returns the number of Situations by severity per team in the specified time range.
getStatusSituationPerTeamStats: Returns the number of Situations by status for a team in the specified time range.
getTeamSituationStats: Returns the number of active Situations assigned to a team in the specified time range.
getTopServiceSituationStats: Returns the number of active Situations impacting a top service in the specified time range.
User Endpoints
The following endpoints return data statistics relating to your Moogsoft Onprem users:
getAlertsMarkedPRCPerUserStats: Returns the total number of alerts marked with probable root cause (PRC) feedback by each user.
getAcknowledgedSituationsPerUserStats: Returns the number of Situations acknowledged by a specific user or users in the specified time range.
getAssignedSituationsPerUserStats: Returns the number of Situations assigned to a specific user or users in the specified time range.
getChatOpsToolExecutedPerUserStats: Returns the number of ChatOps tools executed by a user each hour in the specified time range.
getClosedSituationsPerUserStats: Returns the number of Situations that a user has closed each hour in the specified time range.
getCommentCountPerUserStats: Returns the number of comments left by a user or users in the specified time range.
getInvitationsReceivedPerUserStats: Returns the number of Situation invitations received for a given user each hour in the specified time range.
getMTTAPerUserStats: Returns the mean time it takes a user to acknowledge a Situation in the specified time range.
getMTTRPerUserStats: Returns the mean time it takes a user to resolve a Situation in the specified time range.
getOpenSituationsPerUserStats: Returns the number of open Situations assigned to a user at each data point.
getRatedSituationsPerUserStats: Returns the number of Situations rated by a user in the specified time range.
getReassignedSituationsPerUserStats: Returns the number of Situations reassigned by a user in the specified time range.
getResolvedSituationsPerUserStats: Returns the number of Situations resolved by a user in the specified time range.
getViewedSituationsPerUserStats: Returns the number of Situations a user has viewed in the specified time range.
getWorkedSituationsPerUserStats: Returns the number of Situations a user has worked on in the specified time range.