A Workflow Engine function that returns true
if it detects that an alert has left a maintenance window. This occurs when the message data (the changes made to the alert) of an intercepted AlertUpdate previously contained the maintenance status flag, and the alert currently has a maintenance status of “Previously in maintenance” (or the configured equivalent).
This function is available as a feature of the Add-ons v2.4 download and later.
This function is available for alert workflows.
Back to Workflow Engine Functions Reference.
Workflow Engine function leavingMaintenanceWindow
has no arguments.
This function takes the maintenance status flag and exit maintenance value (“Previously in Maintenance” by default) from the moolet configuration file $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/moolets/maintenance_window_manager.conf.
If you are using an alternative configuration file, then contact Moogsoft support for options.
This function makes no changes, so it is used in conjunction with an “active” function; for example, when forwarding an alert leaving maintenance that has a non-clear severity to a specific Cookbook.
An example workflow could contain the following:
Engine : Alert Actions Workflows
Entry Filter : event_handler = “Alert Update” AND severity != Clear
Action 1: leavingMaintenanceWindow
Forward action : Stop this workflow
Action 2: forward
Specify the cookbook to forward to.