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Close and Resolve Notifications for Situations and Alerts

You can set up Moogsoft Onprem to send notifications to Webex automatically when situations or alerts get closed or resolved.

Close/Resolve notifications for situations

To send Close and Resolve notifications to Webex, verify that the Close Webex Incident outbound notification workflow is enabled.

To trigger the outbound notification, add a workflow to the Situation Delta workflow that includes the “closeIncident” action. For example:

Workflow Name: Close Webex Incident

Action Name



Forwarding Behaviour

0 seconds


0 seconds


Check action


{"actionTypes":["Situation Resolved", “Situation Closed”]}

Stop This Workflow

Get action data


Stop This Workflow

Trigger send to Webex



Stop This Workflow

The serviceName should be “webex” and all other fields should be empty.

This sends a request to Webex and adds a thread entry for each room notified, e.g.

Sent situation closed notification to Webex incident card in room 'Incident Room 1'

You can adjust the Entry filter in the trigger workflow to control which situations are forwarded to Webex.

By placing the closeIncident action in a “Situation Delta” engine, you gain access to the user that closed or resolved the situation.

Close notifications for alerts

To send Close notifications to Webex, confirm the “Close Webex Incident” outbound notification workflow is enabled.

To trigger the outbound notification, add a workflow to the “Alert Actions” workflow engine that includes the “closeIncident” action. For example:

Workflow Name: Close Webex Incident

Entry filter: (NOT 'custom_info.ticketing.webex' is null) AND 'state' = 'Closed'

First Match Only: Checked

Action Name



Forwarding Behaviour

0 seconds


0 seconds


Trigger send to Webex



Stop This Workflow

The serviceName should be “webex” and all other fields should be empty.

This will send a request to Webex and update the status under custom_info.ticketing.webex.

You can adjust the Entry filter in the trigger workflow to control which situations are forwarded to Webex.

Resolve notifications for alerts

To send Resolve notifications to Webex, verify that the Close Webex Incident outbound notification workflow is enabled.

To trigger the outbound notification, add a workflow to the Alert Actions workflow engine that includes the “closeIncident” action. For example:

Workflow Name: Resolve Webex Incident

Entry filter: (NOT 'custom_info.ticketing.webex' is null) AND 'state' = 'Resolved'

First Match Only: Checked

Action Name



Forwarding Behaviour

0 seconds


0 seconds


Trigger send to Webex



Stop This Workflow

The serviceName should be “webex” and all other fields should be empty.

This will send a request to Webex to update the status under custom_info.ticketing.webex.

The Entry filter in the trigger workflow can be adjusted to control which situations are forwarded to Webex.