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Disable SSO via API request

Before attempting to enable SSO for the first time, you should prepare to disable SSO in case something goes wrong. If SSO is enabled for your APEX AIOps Incident Management instance and the configuration does not work, then user logins (including your own) will fail.

To prevent locking yourself out of Incident Management:

  1. Prior to attempting to enable SSO, generate an API key in Incident Management.

    NOTE: An admin must perform this step.

  2. Paste the API key to a file in a secure location OUTSIDE of Incident Management.


    Be sure you limit access to this API key. Keep in mind that anyone who has this key can disable SSO in your Incident Management instance.

  3. If your SSO configuration fails and you are locked out, run the following command a command line prompt, using the API key you created earlier:

    curl --request PUT \
         --url \
         --header 'accept: application/json' \
         --header 'apiKey: <your API key>'
  4. Log in with your username and password..

    All users will be able to log in and access the system with their usernames and passwords.