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Add a notification policy for OnCall

For general information on OnCall, see OnCall overview.

After you create a schedule, add a notification policy to use it.

  1. Navigate to OnCall in the APEX AIOps Incident Management left-hand menu.

  2. Click the Notification Policies tab, and then click Add Notification Policy.

  3. Enter a name (required) and description (optional) for the new policy.

  4. In the Trigger field, build a filter from incident fields and values which defines the incident condition that causes on-call notifications to go out.


    A trigger condition is required.

    Appropriate triggers identify situations when you need a person to respond to an incident. Triggers result in notifications going out to users. Choose an incident field and value, such as level of severity, a critical system or service, a priority, etc., or a combination of incident conditions using the AND operator between fields and values.

  5. From the Notification Actions list, select an action.

    Notification actions are the automated events which occur when the notification policy is triggered.

    Actions include:

    • Notify on-call user in Schedule

      Notify the user in the schedule who is currently on call.

    • Wait For

      Pause for the indicated amount of time before proceeding to the next action.

    • Notify Single User

      Notify a specific, selected user. This user can be any validated user in your instance.

    • Notify All Users in a Schedule

      Notifies all users in a schedule simultaneously. This can be a useful final action to include in a policy to help ensure that someone responds, in case the users notified in the previous steps do not.


    • All policy must begin and end with a Notify action.

    • If the policy is triggered and no one is on call, the policy skips to the next Notify action until someone is notified, or until the end of the policy is reached.

  6. Select a schedule from the list of schedules to use with the Notify OnCall Schedule action.

    You can add multiple schedules, but remember that they are notified in order. The first schedule added is the schedule that will receive notifications first.

  7. Save your policy, or continue adding additional actions.

    After adding the first Notify OnCall Schedule action, you can add additional Notify OnCall Schedule actions. While you can add Notify OnCall Schedule actions back to back, it is usually preferable to add a Wait For action in between them.

    Wait For actions affect your policy in the following ways:

    • The policy waits for the time specified in the Wait For action for the on-call user to acknowledge the notification (the triggering incident status changes from Open to In Progress). When the notification is not acknowledged within the defined time, the policy continues to the next action (the next on-call schedule) and notifies the on-call user in that schedule.

      NOTE: Any intervention which changes the incident status from Open to another status satisfies the policy requirements, and the notification process stops.

      If you include two schedules back to back in the policy without a Wait For action between them, the on-call users in both schedules are notified at the same time when the policy is triggered.

    • The minimum length of time the policy should wait for acknowledgment is one minute; the maximum is 60 minutes.

    • If you add a Wait For action, you must add another action after it. Notification policies cannot end with a Wait For action.


    You can change the action order by dragging them to new locations.

  8. When you have completed your notification policy, click Save.

    A policy can have a maximum of 20 steps.

Policies take effect immediately when they are saved.

Notification policies are enabled by default. You can click Disable on the edit page for the notification policy to disable it.