A MoogDb v2 method that updates an existing maintenance window object, by passing an object containing the maintenance window information.
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Method updateMaintenanceWindow
takes the following request arguments:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
| JSON Object | Yes | Maintenance window object containing the updated details. |
The maintenance window object updatedWindow
contains the following information:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
| Number | Yes | ID of the maintenance window you want to update. |
| Number | Yes | ID of the user who is updating the maintenance window. |
| String | No | Name of the maintenance window. |
| String | No | Description of the maintenance window. |
| String | No | SQL-like filter that alerts must match to be included in the maintenance window. See Filter Search Data for more information on creating SQL-like filters. |
| Number | No | Start time of the maintenance window. This must be in Unix epoch time in seconds and may be up to 5 years in the future. |
| Number | No | Duration of the maintenance window in seconds. The minimum duration is 1 second and the maximum is 157784630 seconds (5 years). |
| Boolean | No | Determines whether or not alerts should be forwarded to the next Moolet in the processing chain. |
| Number | No | |
| Number | No |
Method updateMaintenanceWindow
returns the following response:
Type | Description |
Object | A JSON object containing details of the updated maintenance window. |
The following examples demonstrate typical use of method updateMaintenanceWindow
Example request to update the description in maintenance window ID 2 by user ID 3:
var response = moogdb.updateMaintenanceWindow({ "id" : 2, "description" : "Updated name", "user_id": 3 });
Example response returning details of the updated maintenance window ID 2:
"del_flag": false,
"forward_alerts": false,
"last_updated": 1574164759,
"timezone": "Europe/London",
"description": "Updated name",
"recurring_period_units": 0,
"filter": "(severity IN (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) AND (owner IN (3))",
"duration": 3600,
"recurring_period": 0,
"name": "Test",
"updated_by": 3,
"id": 2,
"start_date_time": 1574164339