The /integrations/{integrationId}
endpoint allows you to retrieve and update existing integrations.
To create a new integration see /integrations.
Back to Integrations API Endpoint Reference.
Retrieves a specific integration's configuration.
Path parameters
The GET request takes the following path parameter:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
| Integer | Yes | ID of the integration to retrieve. You can obtain an integration's ID by executing a GET request to |
The GET request returns the following response:
Successful requests return an array of JSON objects containing the following:
Name | Type | Description |
| List | Read-only details about the integration. This can include the webhook URL of the integration and authorization details. |
| String | Type of integration. |
| String | Username ( |
| String | Name of the integration. |
| Integer | ID of the integration. |
| String | Version of the integration. For validation purposes, this must be the most recent version. |
| Object | Integration's configuration. |
The following examples demonstrate making a GET request to the integrations/{integrationId}
Request example
Example cURL request for details of the integration with the ID "3"
curl \ https://example.com/integrations/api/v1/integrations/3 \ -u phil:password123 \
Response example
Example response returning the integration's details:
{ "id": 3, "name": "DynatraceAPMPolling1", "type_id": "dynatrace_apm_lam", "version": "2.3", "config": { "config": { "filter": { "modules": [], "presend": "DynatraceApmLam.js", "dependencies": { "lambot": [ "LamBot.js", "DynatraceApmLam.js" ], "contrib": [] } }, "mapping": { "rules": [ { "name": "signature", "rule": "$systemprofile :: $rule" }, { "name": "source_id", "rule": "Dynatrace APM" }, { "name": "external_id", "rule": "$id" }, { "name": "manager", "rule": "Dynatrace Apm" }, { "name": "source", "rule": "$source" }, { "name": "class", "rule": "$rule" }, { "name": "agent", "rule": "$LamInstanceName" }, { "name": "agent_location", "rule": "$LamInstanceName" }, { "name": "type", "rule": "$state" }, { "name": "severity", "rule": "$severity", "conversion": "sevConverter" }, { "name": "description", "rule": "$message" }, { "name": "agent_time", "rule": "$start", "conversion": "timeConverter" } ], "catchAll": "overflow", "lambotOverridden": [ "custom_info.overflow", "source" ] }, "monitor": { "name": "DynatraceApm Lam Monitor", "class": "CDynatraceApmMonitor", "targets": { "target1": { "url": "https://localhost:8021", "filter": { "state": "InProgress", "profileName": "nam", "incidentRule": "rul" }, "timeout": 120, "password": "def", "username": "abc", "disable_certificate_validation": true } }, "max_retries": -1, "retry_interval": 60, "request_interval": 60 }, "constants": { "severity": { "severe": 5, "warning": 2, "informational": 1 } }, "conversions": { "stringToInt": { "input": "STRING", "output": "INTEGER" }, "sevConverter": { "input": "STRING", "lookup": "severity", "output": "INTEGER" }, "timeConverter": { "input": "STRING", "output": "INTEGER", "timeFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS" } } }, "moolets": [], "type_id": "dynatrace_apm_lam", "version": "2.3", "category": "monitoring", "ha_profile": "active_passive", "description": "An integration which enables Moogsoft AIOps to ingest events from Dynatrace APM.", "display_name": "Dynatrace APM (Polling)" }, "inputs": [ { "key": "targets", "value": [ { "url": "https://localhost:8021", "filter": { "state": "InProgress", "profile_name": "nam", "incident_rule": "rul" }, "password": "def", "username": "abc" } ] }, { "key": "timing", "value": { "timeout": 120, "retry_interval": 60, "request_interval": 60 } } ], "readonly": null }
Updates an integration's configuration. Integrations with the ID you specify are unavailable during the update. When the update completes, they automatically resume.
Request arguments
The PUT request takes the following request arguments:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
| Integer | Yes | ID of the integration to update. |
| String | Yes | Type of integration to add, for example |
| String | Yes | The |
| String | Yes | Name of the integration to add, for example |
| String | Yes | Version of the integration to use. For validation purposes, this must be the most recent version. |
The PUT request returns the following response:
Successful requests return an array of JSON objects containing the following:
Name | Type | Description |
| List | Read-only details about the integration. This can include the webhook URL of the integration and authorisation details. |
| String | Type of integration you have updated. |
| String | Username ( |
| String | Name of the integration you have updated. |
| Integer | ID of the integration you have updated. |
| String | Version of the integration you have updated. |
| Object | The integration's configuration. |
The following examples demonstrate making a PUT request to the integrations/{integrationId}
Request example
Example cURL PUT request to update the value
and password
parameters for a Webhook integration. In this example, the Webhook's ID is 2
curl -X PUT \ https://example.com/integrations/api/v1/integrations/2 \ -u phil:password123 \ -d '{ "type_id": "Webhook", "inputs": [ { "name": "username", "value": "Jane.Doe" }, { "name": "password", "value": "Password123" } ], "name": "Webhook1", "version": "1.14" }'
Response example
Example response returning the updated integration's details:
{ "id": 2, "name": "Webhook2", "type_id": "Webhook", "version": "1.14", "config": { "category": "monitoring", "description": "A webhook integration to allow events to be sent via generic REST and processed by Moogsoft AIOps.", "display_name": "Webhook", "type_id": "Webhook", "version": "1.14", "config": { "monitor": { "name": "Webhook Lam Monitor", "class": "CRestMonitor", "port": "$config#port()", "authentication_type": "basic_auth_static", "basic_auth_static": { "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>" }, "use_ssl": false, "accept_all_json": true, "lists_contain_multiple_events": true, "num_threads": 5, "rest_response_mode": "on_receipt", "rpc_response_timeout": 20 }, "constants": { "severity": { "CLEAR": 0, "INDETERMINATE": 1, "WARNING": 2, "MINOR": 3, "MAJOR": 4, "CRITICAL": 5, "0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3, "4": 4, "5": 5, "moog_lookup_default": 1 } }, "conversions": { "sevConverter": { "input": "STRING", "output": "INTEGER", "lookup": "severity" }, "stringToInt": { "input": "STRING", "output": "INTEGER" } }, "filter": { "presend": "WebhookLam-SolutionPak.js", "modules": [], "dependencies": { "lambot": [ "LamBot.js", "WebhookLam-SolutionPak.js" ], "contrib": [] } }, "mapping": { "lambotOverridden": [], "catchAll": "overflow", "rules": [ { "name": "signature", "rule": "$source::$type" }, { "name": "source_id", "rule": "$source_id" }, { "name": "external_id", "rule": "$external_id" }, { "name": "manager", "rule": "$manager" }, { "name": "source", "rule": "$source" }, { "name": "class", "rule": "$class" }, { "name": "agent", "rule": "$LamInstanceName" }, { "name": "agent_location", "rule": "$agent_location" }, { "name": "type", "rule": "$type" }, { "name": "severity", "rule": "$severity", "conversion": "sevConverter" }, { "name": "description", "rule": "$description" }, { "name": "agent_time", "rule": "$agent_time", "conversion": "stringToInt" } ] } }, "ha_profile": "active_active" }, "inputs": [ { "key": "Jane.Doe", "value": "MyPassword" } ], "readonly": [ { "name": "url", "description": "URL:", "value": "https://example.com/integrations/api/v1/events/webhook2" }, { "name": "userid", "description": "User ID:", "value": "Username" }, { "name": "readonly_password", "description": "Password:", "value": "Password123" }, { "name": "auth", "description": "Base64 Encoded Auth:", "value": "Basic YWRtaW46" } ] }