You can use the optional Teams feature in Moogsoft Enterprise to allow users working together to view the Situations that are relevant to them. You can configure the system to automatically create teams based on certain Situation data, or you can manually create teams.
To view a list of teams, navigate to Settings > Teams. Use the search box on the left to filter the list. You can click the people icon to toggle the display of inactive teams.
Click + to create a new team.
Click a team name and then the copy icon to duplicate a team.
To create a team, you must assign the team a name with a maximum of 64 characters. You can optionally provide a description of the team.
By default, teams are active. Deselect the Active checkbox to deactivate a team. Inactive teams don't appear in team rooms and cannot have Situations assigned to them.
Navigate to the Users tab to select the users that belong to this team. You can define an alternative landing page for the team members on the Settings tab.
To delete a team, select it and click -. When you delete a team Moogsoft Enterprise removes it from any alerts, Situations, services and notifications that it was assigned to or associated with. The system retains a record of all team activity. When you view a Situation assigned to a deleted team, the team name is shown with an "inactive" label.
If a deleted team is recreated by SAML/LDAP, it is assigned a status of inactive.
You can configure Moogsoft Enterprise to create teams based on current Situation data.
Creating automatic teams sets all existing teams to inactive.
You can create teams based on any of the following Situation fields:
Services Impacted
Process Impacted
After Moogsoft Enterprise creates a team, you can view and edit the team settings and membership.
You can filter data visible to team members according to services, Situations or alerts:
Create a Service Filter in General to select services for which the team views affected Situations. Adding more than 200 services may affect system performance and stability.
Create a Situation Filter in General to select the Situations that you can assign to members of the team. If you only want team members to be able to see these Situations, ensure they do not have the 'all_data' permission. See Role Permissions for details.
Create an Alert Filter in Settings to select the alerts outside the team's Situation Filter that you want the team members to see.
Permissions are additive. Therefore, if you set several filters, Situations and alerts that meet any one of them are included. For example, you could set up a team's permissions so that the team views critical Situations affecting a database service, a messaging service, and a web service.
The all_data
permission in a user role overrides the filters in team settings. Users with the 'all_data' permission can view all Situations and alerts.
If you want users to see only the alerts and Situations that are assigned to their team, configure roles and users as follows:
Create a role without the
permission.Assign the role to the users.
Add the users to the team.
See Manage Roles and Manage Users for more information.
See User management for the Graze API endpoints you can use to create and update users, to return a list of all users in Moogsoft Enterprise, and other team-related requests.
See User Management for the MoogDb v2 methods you can use to manage teams.
To learn more about Managing User Roles, watch the User, Role, and Team Management training video at Moogsoft University. You will need access credentials to view it. Please contact your account manager to receive credentials.