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A Workflow Engine function that has the same functionality as the getPayload function, but instead of creating a payload from an in-scope CEvent object (event, alert or situation), the payload is created from the workflowContext object.

This function is available as a feature of the Add-ons v2.3.5 download and later.

This function is available for event, alert, and Situation workflows.

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Workflow Engine function getPayloadFromInform takes the following arguments:








Name of the map from the Payloads integration


The following example demonstrates typical use of Workflow Engine function getPayloadFromInform.

To create a payload for a map called "AlertExport", set the following:

  • mapName: AlertExport

The UI translates your settings to the following JSON:

{ “mapName”:”AlertExport”}

The function returns true when it finds a map and creates the payload. It stores the payload in the workflowContext.payloads key. The function also assigns the payload an identifier for the in-scope object.


The standard payload substitution works for this function. Rules should reference the full path to the object including the workflowContext prefix.

For example, given a workflowContext of:

  payloads : {
    inform: { ...

The payload map substitution is:


The completed payload is copied to the workflowContext as workflowContext.payloads.inform. Functions that use this payload (eventless exporters) look for a payload in this location.

  payloads : {
    inform: { ...

Macro support

Some macros used in the Payloads integration are associated with CEvent objects (events, alerts and Situations) and so are not relevant to a payload substitution from the workflowContext. As a result, only the following macros are supported. These have the same functionality as the standard payload macros (see Macros Reference).

  • $TO_INT()

  • $TO_JSON()

  • $TO_DATE()

  • $TO_STRING()


  • $TO_LIST()


  • $FLATTEN()

  • $FIRST()


$EXPAND() is not supported—if used, the resulting substitution is the original string (example: $EXPAND(severity).

A new macro $SEVERITY has been added to support conversion of an integer severity so it's human readable (example: 5 → Critical).