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Moogsoft Add-ons

Moogsoft periodically releases add-ons to extend and enhance the core Moogsoft Enterprise functionality. For example, new Workflow Engine functions, new Workflow Engines, or Integrations tiles.

If you haven't already, you need to create the Enrichment API data store to use the Enrichment API Integration. See Create the Enrichment API Data Store for instructions. If you upgraded from Moogsoft Enterprise v.7.3.0 and were using the Integrations API with Moogsoft Add-ons v.1.4.0 or later, you do not need to create the Enrichment API data store.

Moogsoft Enterprise 8.2.0 is compatible with Add-ons v2.0.0 and later only.

All add-ons releases are cumulative and include the fixes from previous releases.


The SNMP Trapd LAMbot v2 bundle requires a separate download and installation. You can download this file from this location:

curl https://${SPEEDY_USER}:${SPEEDY_PASSWORD} --output Moogsoft-TrapLamV2.tar.gz

Follow the instructions in Installing SNMP Trapd v2 to install it.

See Install Moogsoft Add-ons for installation details.

Add-ons 2.6.6

Moogsoft Add-ons v2.6.6 includes the following updates:

  • WFE-519 : Ansible Integration doesn't handle multiple instances

  • WFE-478 : Allow the MicroFocus OO integration to capture Automation ID

  • WFE-525 : Address issue causing jsonPathSearch action to occasionally return null

Add-ons 2.6.5

Moogsoft Add-ons v2.6.5 includes the following updates:

  • WFE-519 : Ansible Integration doesn't handle multiple instances

  • WFE-523 : Labeler REF macro mapping does not work when REF alert is not loaded during SituationUtility::getAlerts

  • WFE-520 : Conflict between labeler and WFE substitution macros in labelSituation action fixed

Add-ons 2.6.4

Moogsoft Add-ons v2.6.4 includes the following updates:

  • WFE-501 : Fix to handling of multiple email targets in the Email Integration

  • WFE-502 : Multiple actions reference "params.integrationType" - which is not defined

  • WFE-517 : Fix to Slack integration to allow specification of Moogsoft URL

  • MES-14657 : Add padding to ‘%d’ format string in formatDate action

Add-ons 2.6.3

Moogsoft Add-ons v2.6.3 includes the following updates:

Add-ons 2.6.2

Moogsoft Add-ons v2.6.2 includes the following updates:

  • WFE-512 : Fixed issue where Enrichment API delete action fails.

Add-ons 2.6.1

Moogsoft Add-ons v2.6.1 includes the following updates:

  • WFE-510 : Changed the link to download the ServiceNow update set in the ServiceNow Management 1.3 integration tile.

Add-ons v2.6

If you haven't previously done so, Create the Enrichment API Data Store to use the Enrichment API Integration.

Moogsoft Add-ons v2.6 includes the following updates:

  • WFE-475: Adds the Pattern Matcher integration.

  • WFE-449: Adds the OAuth Endpoints integration.

  • WFE-480: Adds the Additional Configurations integration.

  • WFE-435: Adds the copySigCorrelationInfo function.

  • WFE-436: Adds the getAssociatedDetails function.

  • WFE-437: Adds the hasResolvingStep function.

  • WFE-475: Adds the matchPattern function.

  • WFE-438: Adds the situationDigest function.

  • WFE-488: Adds the isRepeatingSituation function.

  • WFE-454: Updates to the Enrichment API to allow age scoped deletion the introduction of a callback URL to return responses.

  • WFE-452: Disabled old ServiceNow situation room plugin in the ServiceNow Management integration.

  • WFE-469: Allow Enrichment API actions to be used on situations.

  • WFE-474: Allow the getCorrelationInfo action to take the situation ID from an optional argument.

  • WFE-476: Allow use of a payload\. prefix in workflow substitutions and field argument to manipulate payload keys.

  • WFE-477: Generalize copyToContext and copyFromContext to support having the workflow context as both sources and target.

  • WFE-481: sendToCloud action now handles errors with the $TO_JSON() macro better.

  • WFE-482: The BotUtility validateEvent() function description truncation process could thrown a null exception.

  • WFE-485: Fixed a bug with the xinyState/xinyClose actions to correclty identify the cached data to remove.

  • WFE-487: exportViaRest and getViaRest actions now write the request response status, response code and status message to the workflowContext. (See Jira release notes for details).

  • WFE-492: Cloud heartbeat scheduler - fixed invalid reference. This fix requires the retry and mocHeartbeat functions be copied into the current scheduler moobot.

  • WFE-493: BotUtility.js, WorkflowUtility.js and SituationUtility.js have had minor JavaScript lint errors fixed.

  • WFE-466: $UNIQ() macro now supported in WFE substitutions.

Add-ons v2.5.1

If you haven't previously done so, Create the Enrichment API Data Store to use the Enrichment API Integration.

Moogsoft Add-ons v2.5.1 includes the following updates:

  • WFE-451: Modifies flattenObject utility and associated actions (sendToWorkflow, flattenObject) to accept a key separator.

    The Hybrid integration now allows either a period (“.”) or an underscore (“_”) to be used as the key separator when flattening custom_info.

  • WFE-447: Adds “type” to the list of optional fields to map in the Hybrid integration.

  • WFE-448: Removes Entropy as a mandatory field in the Hybrid integration.

  • WFE-462: Enables isNotNull and compareFields to be eventLess.

  • WFE-463: Adds parameter substitution to assignModerator.

  • WFE-458: Filters falsey/null from service field in sendToCloud.

  • WFE-455: Fixes typos in logger message for sendSituationToWorkflow.

  • WFE-453: Changes log level for “Invalid results from enrichment” message from warning to info.

  • WFE-456: Fixes inconsistent behavior when negative caching is enabled - a cached negative result will no longer add an empty object under custom_info.enrichment.

  • WFE-464: Updates script to be compatible with MySQL v8.

  • WFE-462 - Adds getViaRestFromInform action to allow eventless getViaRest.

Add-ons v2.5

If you haven't previously done so, Create the Enrichment API Data Store to use the Enrichment API Integration.

Moogsoft Add-ons v2.5 includes the following updates:

  • ADD-129: Fixes a validation issue in the ServiceNow Enrichment integration when summarize multiple results details" is changed to "No."

  • WFE-345: Adds the sortList function.

  • WFE-399: Adds the hasSymptomPRC function.

  • WFE-400: Adds the getHashValue function.

  • WFE-402: Prevents a workflow engine from forwarding to itself and creating an infinite loop.

  • WFE-403: Adds the moveSituationToCategory function.

  • WFE-404: The workflow functions isOlderThan and isNewerThan now allow an optional timestamp field to be specified.

  • WFE-406: Clarifies the behavior of the getEnrichment function in the related documentation.

  • WFE-408: Adds the ability to enrich Situations to the getJDBCEnrichment function.

  • WFE-411: The workflow function addThreadEntry now accepts an isResolvingStep optional argument.

  • WFE-412: Allows DELETE requests to be sent using the exportViaRest and sendViaRest workflow functions.

  • WFE-414: Adds the ability to perform limited customizations on maintenance window filter conditions created by the ServiceNow Management update set.

  • WFE-415: Adds the mergeSituations function.

  • WFE-418: Adds the $FULLNAME() macro, which returns a user's full name from a UID or username (example: moderator_id). See the Macros Reference for more information on macros.

  • WFE-420: Adds the convertToBoolean function.

  • WFE-421: Adds the notBetween function.

  • WFE-423: Fixes the extraction of the x-park-signature header in the WebLam Lambot by making it case insensitive.

  • WFE-424: Updates the getEnrichment function so that it is eventless and supports sending output to workflowContext.

  • WFE-426: Fixes an issue with using the replaceString function on workflowContext keys.

  • WFE-427: Updates the removeMatchingSituationFlags function so that it is case insensitive. The case used for flags no longer needs to be exact.

  • WFE-429: Updates the copyOnMerge function so that it can write to the workflowContext or the target Situation.

  • WFE-431: Adds the xinyState function, which enables XinY status change calculations.

  • WFE-432: Adds the getExistingAlertId function.

  • WFE-433: Allows removeCorrelationInfo to specify the serviceName parameter as a regular expression using the /<expression>/ syntax. If the correlation info service name matches the pattern it will be removed. Previous equality-based matching is unaffected.

    For example, to remove all correlation info associated with the MSTeams integration, this pattern could be used:


    Note that regular expressions are case insensitive.

  • WFE-443: Fixes the formatDate function so it returns the correct shortDay.

  • WFE-444: Fixes the mapping of the optional field in the Hybrid Integration.

  • WFE-445: Reduces logging in Enrichment API functions.

  • WFE-446: Fixes typos in the parseOverflow function description.

Add-ons v2.4

If you haven't previously done so, Create the Enrichment API Data Store to use the Enrichment API Integration.

Moogsoft Add-ons v2.4 includes the following updates:

Add-ons v2.3.5

If you haven't previously done so, Create the Enrichment API Data Store to use the Enrichment API Integration.

Moogsoft Add-ons v2.3.5 includes the following updates:

  • ADD-121: Fixes an incorrect exit status which is set on failure in the sendAlertToWorkflow and sendSituationToWorkflow functions.

  • ADD-122: Fixes an issue with certificate validation in outbound requests in the Ansible integration.

  • ADD-124: Fixes an issue with converting a string to a number in the compareFields function.

  • WFE-118: Adds the enteringMaintenanceWindow and leavingMaintenanceWindow functions.

  • WFE-338: Fixes the way ServiceNow Management handles urgency values when Severity = 0.

  • WFE-342: Removes a duplicate function (uniqObjectsArray) in BotUtility.

  • WFE-344: Fixes an issue with macro substitution in the TO_JSON macro when the substituted value contains line breaks.

  • WFE-346: Adds the ability to copy a REST response to workflowContext for the exportViaRest function.

  • WFE-347: Adds sendAddedAlertsToWorkflow function.

Add-ons v2.3

If you haven't previously done so, Create the Enrichment API Data Store to use the Enrichment API Integration.

Moogsoft Add-ons v2.3.4 includes the following updates:

  • ADD-7: Adds the JDBC Endpoints integration, including the exportViaJDBC function.

  • ADD-37: Adds REST enrichment functions including getViaRest, mergeList, and reduceObjectList.

  • ADD-76: Adds the ServiceNow Integration v3 (ServiceNow Management).

  • ADD-87: Updates the eyeShare NG integration (Ayehu).

  • ADD-114: Adds the new Workflow Engine function: deleteObjectKeys.

Add-ons v2.2

If you haven't previously done so, Create the Enrichment API Data Store to use the Enrichment API Integration.

Moogsoft Add-ons v2.2.0 includes the following updates:

  • ADD-36: Adds the AlertOps Integration.

  • ADD-43: Improvements for the PagerDuty Integration.

  • ADD-44: Adds the Microfocus Operations Orchestration Automation Integration.

  • ADD-106: Adds WFE Integration framework.

  • ADD-101: Bug fixes for the Email Integration.

  • WFE-322: Fixes an issue so that WFE function addTopologyNode correctly updates descriptions.

  • WFE-325: Fixes an issue to so that actions perform a moogdb.reload() when appropriate.

  • WFE-330: Fixes $TOLIST() so that it cannot map to an empty item.

  • WFE-138: Adds functions hasSweptUp and hasNotSweptUp.

  • WFE-172: Adds support for Workflow Job Templates to Ansible Automation Integration.

  • WFE-194: Adds WFE support for the Microfocus Operations Orchestration Integration Automation.

  • WFE-203: Adds removeItemsFromList function.

  • WFE-258: Adds compareFields function.

  • WFE-296: Adds addRestHeader function.

  • WFE-297: Adds functions to support integration triggers.

  • WFE-301: Adds addLocationData function.

  • WFE-317: Updates WFE functions to use updateClosedAlert and updateClosedSituation as appropriate.

  • WFE-320: Adds addToContext function.

  • WFE-321: Adds listSituationHosts function.

  • WFE-324: Updates the WFE function getPayload to encapsulate the payload within an array.

  • WFE-326: Adds listSituationAlertIds function.

  • WFE-327: Adds setSituationServices function.

Add-ons v2.1

If you haven't previously done so, Create the Enrichment API Data Store to use the Enrichment API Integration.

Moogsoft Add-ons v2.1.0 includes the following updates:

  • ADD-1: Function and integration tile to send emails.

  • ADD-16: Situation moderator updates.

  • ADD-20: Slack Integration can send notifications to Slack channels.

  • WFE-223: getCorrelationInfo - checks that correlation info exists for a Situation.

  • WFE-233: The tolerates "invisible" windows carriage returns in input files.

  • WFE-240: Substitution macros: $PRC, $REF, $TYPE.

  • WFE-247: sendAlertsToWorkflow - Sends situation alerts to a workflow.

  • WFE-251: Improves Topology API WFE function logic.

  • WFE-253: Improves reliability with substitution and validation of parameters.

  • WFE-256: isPrimaryTeamSet - returns true if a Situation's primary team is set.

  • WFE-257: basicMaths - writes the result of basic maths ( +, -, * , / , % ) on two fields to either custom_info or the workflow context.

  • WFE-263: Substitution macros: $EXPAND_AS_CSV, $EXPAND_AS_STRING, $TO_LIST.

  • WFE-264: getThreadEntry - retrieves the corresponding thread entry if a Situation contains a thread entry_id and stores it under the threadEntry workflowContext key.

  • WFE-265: Conversion Maps with function convertField.

  • WFE-266: addCorrelationInfo - adds an External ID to a Situation.

  • WFE-267: Enrichment API moog_enrichment_util scripts have proxy settings.

  • WFE-268: Fixes the checkTopologyyLink function.

  • WFE-276: convertStringToList - converts a string containing regular separators (e.g. a comma) into a list (a JavaScript Array) and copies the resulting list into a named target or overwrites the value of the original string with the new list.

  • WFE-277: Substitution and validation of params now correct in workflow function template.

  • WFE-284: IsNotClear function now works as expected.

  • WFE-285: dejaVu – checks for repeated data.

  • WFE-286: Catasuraus now uses correct log message levels.

  • WFE-304: JDBC and ServiceNow Enrichment Integrations no longer call constants.reload().

Add-ons v2.0.0

Moogsoft Add-ons v2.0.0 introduces several new functions and fixes to existing functions and Integrations tiles:

  • WFE-126: Preset PRC values for topology based situations (or any situation).

  • WFE-162: Adds Create topology function.

  • WFE-163: Adds a function to create a node.

  • WFE-164: Adds a function to create a link between two nodes.

  • WFE-165: Adds a function to clone a topology.

  • WFE-166: Adds a function to delete an active or inactive topology.

  • WFE-167: Adds a function to remove a node from a topology.

  • WFE-168: Adds a function to delete a topology link.

  • WFE-169: Adds a function to check a topology exits.

  • WFE-170: Adds a function to check a node exists.

  • WFE-171: Adds a function to check a link exists.

  • WFE-177]: Adds populateNamedTopology function.

  • WFE-195: Adds a function to activate a topology.

  • WFE-196: Adds a function to deactivate a named topology.

  • WFE-198: Adds an action to delete a node.

  • WFE-199: Adds an action to delete a topology.

  • WFE-213: Updates the Ansible Automation Integration for 8.0.

  • WFE-214: Updates the Puppet Automation to 'Automation' for 8.0

  • WFE-215: Updates the AyeHu eyesShare Automation for 8.0.

  • WFE-216: Updates the Ignio Automation for 8.0.

  • WFE-217: Updates ServiceNow Enrichment for 8.0.

  • WFE-218: Updates JDBC Enrichment for 8.0.

  • WFE-222: Corrects the description of sigActionFilter.

  • WFE-224: Updates the Enrichment API for 8.0.

  • WFE-225: Updates configuration for Integration Tiles for 8.0.

  • WFE-226: Adds Eventless processing for Automation actions.

  • WFE-227: Escapes of data in MySQL queries used by Enrichment API.

  • WFE-236: Adds a dnsLookup function.

  • WE 237: Adds a logCEvent function.