Moogsoft Enterprise v8.0 contains the following bug fixes. See Graze API and MoogDb V2 for details of changed endpoints and methods.
Ticket | Release Note |
MOOG-15631 | A new mechanism has been added to ensure multiple database splitter operations cannot be run at the same time. |
MOOG-14861 | Resolves a security issue with the handling of Tool Runner command arguments. |
MOOG-14341 | Resolves a security issue when using thread names in the Collaborate tab. |
MOOG-13386 | Users can now only update filters that have been shared with them. |
MOOG-16191 | The database validator script now checks that all the expected database views are present. |
MOOG-16226 | Moogsoft Enterprise now sends “SigAction” messages for “New Max Severity for Situation” Message Bus updates when:
MOOG-16223 | You can no longer delete Recipes via Graze API endpoints when they are associated with Cookbooks. |
MOOG-16213 | The getNewSituationsStats Graze API endpoint now displays the correct number of new Situations in the Grafana Noise Reduction > Situation dashboard. |
MOOG-16189 | The moog_historic_post_migration utility now stops executing if the Percona toolkit fails. |
MOOG-16179 | Selections in the Collaborate tab in the UI are now preserved for that user. |
MOOG-16178 | In the Mobile UI, the “Mark as read” and “Mark as unread” options are now present. |
MOOG-16170 | In the Mobile UI, a user’s name and username now displays correctly. |
MOOG-16162 | The Visualize tab now displays a message if a user creates a Situation with a Recipe that has list-based matching with less than 100% similarity. |
MOOG-16159 | The Moogsoft Enterprise installation process now grants the sig_visualize permission to all roles. This permission allows users to see the Situation Visualize tab. You must manually add the permission to users in upgraded systems. |
MOOG-16130 | Fixes an issue that caused a successfully SAML-authenticated user to be redirected back to the login page, due to a change in SameSite cookie enforcement. |
MOOG-16101 | Fixes a problem where the MoogDb v2 method updateUser deleted a user’s role. |
MOOG-16105 | Exceptions thrown from the Graph Topology module are now logged at TRACE level. At WARN level there is an indication that something unexpected has occurred. |
MOOG-16052 | The selection radio buttons in Alert Filters > Shared With now operate correctly. |
MOOG-16040 | The MoogDb methods createUser and updateUser now work correctly when Moogsoft Enterprise is configured for SAML single sign-on. |
MOOG-16039 | Merge group information for groups using inactive Sigalisers is no longer logged. |
MOOG-16016 | The moog_historic_post_migration utility no longer runs in the absence of internet access or pre-installed RPM dependencies for the Percona utility. |
MOOG-16000 | Resolves an issue that caused alert filters to disappear from system settings when set to share with 'Nobody (Only Me)'. |
MOOG-15999 | The "Added Entry To Thread" SigAction message now contains the entry ID and its properties, including whether it was a resolving step. |
MOOG-15990 | On Moogsoft Enterprise systems with multiple Moogfarmd instances, integrations now stop and restart correctly when modified. |
MOOG-15974 | A problem with the Apache Tomcat installation validator that caused Tomcat to fail to deploy webapps has been resolved. |
MOOG-15896 | The Entropy alert list now only returns complete rows with alert property details. |
MOOG-15882 | Sorting by PRC in a Situation Room now works correctly when accessing alerts from Next Steps > PRC. |
MOOG-15875 | When an active Moogfarmd cannot access the database to mark it is active it now goes into a passive state. |
MOOG-15850 | The Graze API endpoint getSituationVisualization now returns the reference alert ID in its response. |
MOOG-15839 | The Grafana plugin has been updated so the plugin files are accessible automatically if Grafana Nginx rule is created. Manual Nginx rules are no longer required to perform this function. |
MOOG-15816 | A new “persistence” section in the Moogfarmd health log now exists when persistence is enabled. It indicates the status of Moogfarmd persistence to Hazelcast. |
MOOG-15801 | The Feedback feature has been removed from the UI. |
MOOG-15711 | Scrolling now works correctly when updating a Cookbook’s Recipe field. |
MOOG-15663 | Fixes an issue where the Graze API endpoint getSituationIds failed with an error message. |
MOOG-15640 | Hop limit has been removed from existing Cookbook Recipe configurations. You must recreate any previously existing topologies. You can reconfigure a hop limit if you are using a named or inferred topology to filter a Recipe. |
MOOG-15638 | When an indexer is deleted in ElasticSearch, the indexer Moolet now attempts to recreate the index and performs a full scan to reindex all data. |
MOOG-15632 | Improved handling of process IDs in utility scripts to prevent errors. |
MOOG-15622 | Filtering the Situation list by the primary team column now works correctly. |
MOOG-15609 | In the Workflow Engine, alerts and Situations are now eligible for sweep up if either of the two timestamp fields (int_last_event_time or last_state_change for alerts and last_event_time or last_state_change for Situations) are within the given relative time limit, if provided. |
MOOG-15595 | Alerts now display in the Situation Room tab when accessed via a link from the Situation Room header. |
MOOG-15574 | Fixes the severity colours in the Grafana dashboard for Team Situation Overview. |
MOOG-15565 | When using the Cisco theme, the bottom of the Versioning UI is no longer truncated. |
MOOG-15555 | Filtering alerts based on custom_info text fields is now case insensitive. |
MOOG-15542 | The getSituationVisualization MoogDb method now publishes a detailed error message on failure. |
MOOG-15499 | The Team Summary in the UI now updates every 30 seconds. |
MOOG-15476 | Disables the reuse of request and response objects in Apache Tomcat by default, to improve security. |
MOOG-15469 | The Graze API method getNewAlertsPerSituationsStats now works correctly after manually creating a Situation in the UI. |
MOOG-15459I | The correct response is now returned when a user attempts to log into the UI with invalid credentials. |
MOOG-15430 | If AutoClose attempts to close a Situation that is already closed, it no longer raises an exception. |
MOOG-15362 | Fixes an issue that caused Situation fields to be available in the alert client tool and vice versa. |
MOOG-15343 | Situation and alert client tools that launch tools pointed at the same Moogsoft Enterprise instance now work correctly. |
MOOG-15259 | The Maintenance Schedule option now displays at the bottom of the left hand navigation panel in the UI when there are a large number of filters. |
MOOG-15212 | Resolves upgrade issues in systems where replication is enabled. The property log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1 has been added to the MySQL configuration file my.cnf. |
MOOG-15207 | Resolves a discrepancy between alert column names and alerts custom_info fields that prevented the UI from properly loading. |
MOOG-15206 | Resolves timestamp problems in the schema_upgrades table that caused upgrade issues. |
MOOG-15201 | The moog_db_auto_upgrader utility now logs details of the schema upgrade files it applies. |
MOOG-15192 | Resolves a discrepancy between string and numerical keys in alert and Situation custom info. Previously the numerical keys were dropped when saving the alerts and Situations. |
MOOG-15187 | The REST Moobot module now correctly handles integer and double types. |
MOOG-15184 | The task board in the UI now correctly displays Situations for teams with large number IDs. |
MOOG-15143 | The tomcat_install_validator script now validates that the integrations-controller servlet is correctly deployed. There is a known issue that in tarball deployments, the validator shows a difference in the context.xml file but this is innocuous and can be safely ignored. |
MOOG-15125 | The open Situation list is now correctly displayed when a non-administrator user accesses a Team Room in the UI. |
MOOG-15105 | Resolves a problem with saving changes after adding and deleting columns in the Situation Room. |
MOOG-15085 | Resolves a problem that prevented saving alerts without journal entries. |
MOOG-15084 | The alert timeline now correctly displays data. |
MOOG-15057 | Link Definitions that reference variables can now be successfully created in the UI. |
MOOG-15031 | Selecting multiple rows in Situation and alert lists now works correctly. |
MOOG-15028 | Missing tool tips have been reinstated for a few buttons in the UI. |
MOOG-14997 | Checking and unchecking boxes for selective copy now works correctly using the Safari browser. |
MOOG-14973 | Situation server tools are now granted initial permissions correctly on upgrade and are available to all users by default. |
MOOG-14971 | Workflow Engine Moolets now process message queues more reliably during a Moogfarmd failover. |
MOOG-14966 | Improves Moogfarmd failover behavior so that Recipe clusters are correctly initialized. |
MOOG-14946 | Collapsible left navigation panel in the UI is now available in Cisco mode. |
MOOG-14909 | Improves validation when adding a new alert or Situation column, to prevent duplicate names. |
MOOG-14899 | Editing an alert or Situation filter no longer resets column customizations. |
MOOG-14892 | Filters in Cookbook Recipes that prevent a successful load of Moogfarmd now report the Recipe that caused the issue. |
MOOG-14875 | The alert and Situation list is now loaded first in the UI, followed by the filter details in the left navigation panel. This improves the loading time when a large number of filters are present. |
MOOG-14836 | Deleting a team now correctly unassigns Situations assigned to that team. |
MOOG-14832 | The request parameter “process_output_of” is now optional in Tempus and Cookbook Graze API requests. |
MOOG-14826 | In the UI, filtering on “Process Impacted by Name” in the Situation list now works correctly. |
MOOG-14804 | On the Visualize tab in the UI, confirmation messages now display when a Cookbook or Recipe is deleted. |
MOOG-14798 | The Tempus “Reset to defaults” function in the UI now works correctly. |
MOOG-14772 | If an advanced filter contains filters not supported by a basic filter, the option to convert it to a basic filter is no longer displayed. |
MOOG-14768 MOOG-14769 | You can now create Situation and alert filters on Custom Info fields using the CONTAINS and IN operators. |
MOOG-14671 | Corrects a data display issue on the Timeline tab in the UI. |
MOOG-14638 | When Situations containing historic alerts are merged, the resulting Situation list now displays the alerts correctly. |
MOOG-14623 | Resolves an issue where, in certain circumstances, the Team Room Task Board displayed incorrect Situations. |
MOOG-14567 | Resolves an Apache Tomcat websocket bug that caused the sending thread to become caught in an endless loop and fail to send data for closed or expired user sessions. |
MOOG-14503 | Resolves an issue where the hotkey for Situation Details opened the Alert Details dialog in the Situation Room. |
MOOG-14461 | The UI now shows the correct final state of Situations and alerts when there are a number of concurrent changes. |
MOOG-14457 | In the Next Steps tab, Situations with the same similarity are now sorted according to their created time. |
MOOG-14437 | The “Default Merge Group” alert threshold is now set to 1 instead of 2. The value cannot be overridden at the Recipe level for Cookbooks not in custom Merge Groups. |
MOOG-14434 | Implements memory optimisation for some long running operations that access the Moogsoft Enterprise database. As a result, Moogfarmd now uses less memory when busy. |
MOOG-14392 | Improves performance by removing duplicate queries from the UI to the database. |
MOOG-14316 | Resolves an issue where closed Situations were not removed from memory once the retention period set in the UI was reached. |
MOOG-14211 | The display of filter options on a Situation list is improved when split pane view is in use. |
MOOG-14179 | New Recipes created in the UI without a matcher now present the user with a warning. |
MOOG-14178 | The share_filters_public and share_filters_teams permissions are now included by default in Super User and Administrator roles. |
MOOG-14156 | Column sorting in the Situation list new grid now works correctly. |
MOOG-13936 | Improves the error message reported by Alert Builder when an event contains a non-string value in the signature. |
MOOG-13723 | A user is now redirected to the homepage after clicking login when already logged in. |
MOOG-13592 | The Process module can now handle process output (stdout) larger than 64k. |
MOOG-12649 | The moog_db_split_enabler utility now works correctly when an encrypted_password in set in system.conf. |
MOOG-12592 | Manually added alerts are now excluded from the Visualize tab in the Situation Room. |
MOOG-11846 | In a failover scenario, any messages that cannot be delivered between Moolets are now stored in persistence so they can be re-sent when Moogfarmd becomes active again. |
MOOG-11764 | Long situation descriptions are now contained in a scrollable widget in the Situation Room header. |
INT-6009 | When upgrading from Moogsoft Enterprise v7.2, ticketing and reporting integration properties are no longer duplicated. |
INT-6004 | The integrations API can now only be accessed by users with the "graze_login" and "manage_integrations" permissions. This change makes it possible to use the API when only SAML or LDAP have been configured. For existing installations using the integrations API, ensure the user accessing the API has the “graze_login” permission too (this permission prevents that user from being able to log in to the UI, so we advise using a dedicated API user). |
INT-5959 | UI Integrations that previously sent a connection error event now send a clear event if the connection error is resolved by an updated configuration. |
INT-5895 | The RabbitMQ integration now raises a critical alert if it cannot connect to any of the specified RabbitMQ brokers. |
INT-5894 | The “mark as read” and “delete on retrieval” functions in the Email integration now work consistently. |
INT-5855 | Resolved an issue with sample payloads from the follow intergrations being returned as raw strings:
INT-5847 | Tags received from Datadog are now separated using a colon and converted into key-value pairs in the Datadog Polling integration. |
INT-5755 | Host and credential validations have been corrected for the ServiceNow and Atlassian Jira ticketing integrations. |
INT-5733 | The Tivoli EIF integration can now accept parameters that are double quoted, single quoted, or unquoted. |
INT-5758 | Improved the CA Spectrum integration signature. |
INT-5722 | Improved the behavior of RabbitMQ when configured with an empty topic queue. |
INT-5708 | The Kafka Moobot module no longer requires the following properties to be specified: "use_sasl", "compression_codec" and "ssl_endpoint_identification_algorithm". These properties are set to defaults. |
INT-5693 | The Broker now logs that it cannot connect to RabbitMQ and shuts down after a series of retries. The Broker is regenerated by the crontab after 5 minutes, which means that it will retry the RabbitMQ connection again after 5 minutes. |
INT-5686 | Resolved an issue with proxy support for HTTPS targets in polling integrations. |
INT-5680 | The Workflow Engine automated ticketing workflow now has an entry filter that prevents closed Situations from entering. This change is not applied on upgrade, apply manually if required. |
INT-5678 | The Jira Software and Jira Service Desk integrations have been updated to accommodate Jira Cloud webhook changes related to comments. |
INT-5676 | Sample payload data is now shared between Data Mapping and Alert Noise Reduction sections in the Integrations tab in the UI. |
INT-5631 | The "webhost" field has been removed from "system.conf" as it is no longer used. It has been replaced by the integration Broker configuration. For non-quiet single box installations, there is now only one prompt for the webhost. The value entered in this prompt is used for the Nginx configuration, the "webhost" field in "servlets.conf", and the "moomsConsole" field in "web.conf". |
INT-5600 | Removed the signature field from the sample payload for Webhook LAM. |
INT-5587 | Provided improved error messages for Office 365 authentication. |
INT-5520 | Corrects a JDBC LAM query issue related to an Oracle database. |
INT-5323 | When the Zenoss Integration fails over, it now continues from its last poll time. This means that it no longer publishes duplicate events after failover. The Zenoss integration now publishes events in the order they were last modified by Zenoss, instead of in reverse order of modification. |
INT-5322 | The HP OMi integration now supports a recovery interval in the UI, and contains the retry recovery property. |
INT-5319 | The AWS CloudWatch integration now supports a recovery interval in the UI. |
INT-5086 | REST-based LAM configuration files have been updated with clearer authentication type comments. |
INT-4405 | Using the argument --version on integration scripts now correctly displays the integration version. |
INT-4270 | The HA block in LAM configuration files has been standardised. |
INT-6004 | The Integrations API now requires the graze_login permission. |