A MoogDb v2 method that deletes maintenance windows that match a filter.
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Method deleteMaintenanceWindows
takes the following request arguments:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
| String | Yes | An SQL-like or JSON filter to match maintenance windows that you want to delete. See Filter Search Data for more information on creating SQL-like filters. |
| Number | No | Maximum number of windows to fetch. Default is 100. |
Method deleteMaintenanceWindows
returns the following response:
The following examples demonstrate typical use of method deleteMaintenanceWindows
Example request to delete maintenance windows that match a filter:
var success = deleteMaintenanceWindows(filter, limit);
JSON filter where the description is "host375":
{ "column": "description", "op": 10, "value": "host375", "type": "LEAF" }
Advanced SQL filter where the description is "host375":
Description MATCHES "host375"