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HA Control Utility Command Reference

The Moogsoft Enterprise HA Control Utility ha_cntl is a command line utility to:

  • Control instance, process group, or cluster failover. For example, to switch from passive to active mode.

  • View the current status of all clusters, process groups, and instances. See High Availability Configuration Hierarchy for more information.

Normally you should configure groups in HA to use automatic failover in production. Use the HA Control utility to check the status of the HA system or to initiate failover in non-production scenarios.


ha_cntl [ --activate cluster[.group[.instance]] | --deactivate cluster[.group[.instance]] | --diagnostics cluster[.group[.instance][ --assumeyes ] | --view ] [ --loglevel (INFO|WARN|ALL) ] [ --time_out <seconds> ] | --help




-a, --activate

String <cluster[.group[.instance_name]]>

Activate all groups within a cluster, a specific group within a cluster, or a single instance.

-d, --deactivate

String <cluster[.group[.instance_name]]>

Deactivate all groups within a cluster, a specific group within a cluster or a single instance.

-i, --diagnostics

String <arg>

Print additional diagnostics where available to process log file.


String, one of INFO | WARN | ALL

Log level controlling the amount of information logged by the utility.


String <number of seconds>

Amount of time in seconds to wait for the last answer. Defaults to 2.



View the current status of all instances, process groups, and clusters.



Answer "yes" for all prompts.


$MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin/ha_cntl -v

Getting system status
Cluster: [SECONDARY] passive
   Process Group: [UI] Passive (no leader - all can be active)
      Instance: [servlets] Passive
         Component: moogpoller - not running
         Component: moogsvr - not running
         Component: toolrunner - not running
   Process Group: [moog_farmd] Passive (only leader should be active)
      Instance: FARM Passive Leader
          Moolet: AlertBuilder - not running (will run on activation)
          Moolet: AlertRulesEngine - not running (will run on activation)
          Moolet: Cookbook - not running (will run on activation)
          Moolet: Speedbird - not running (will run on activation)
          Moolet: TemplateMatcher - not running
   Process Group: [rest_lam] Passive (no leader - all can be active)
      Instance: REST2 Passive
   Process Group: [socket_lam] Passive (only leader should be active)
      Instance: SOCK2 Passive Leader
Cluster: [PRIMARY] active
   Process Group: [UI] Active (no leader - all can be active)
      Instance: [servlets] Active
         Component: moogpoller - running
         Component: moogsvr - running
         Component: toolrunner - running     
   Process Group: [moog_farmd] Active (only leader should be active)
      Instance: FARM Active Leader
         Moolet: AlertBuilder - running
         Moolet: AlertRulesEngine - running
         Moolet: Cookbook - running
         Moolet: Default Cookbook - running
         Moolet: Speedbird - running
         Moolet: TemplateMatcher - not running
   Process Group: [rest_lam] Active (no leader - all can be active)
      Instance: REST1 Active
   Process Group: [socket_lam] Active (only leader should be active)
      Instance: SOCK1 Active Leader