Tempus is an algorithm in Moogsoft Enterprise that clusters alerts based on the similarity of their arrival, occurrence and events patterns. See Time-based Clustering with Tempus for more information on how the clustering algorithm works.
Before you set up Tempus via the UI, ensure that your LAMS or integrations are running and Moogsoft Enterprise is receiving events.
To configure a basic Tempus algorithm from the UI, using the default settings:
Go to Settings > Tempus.
Click the Active switch to turn on the Tempus algorithm that uses the default settings.
Accept the default description or enter your own description of the Tempus algorithm.
To configure an advanced Tempus algorithm from the UI, using your own settings:
Go to Settings > Tempus.
Accept the default description or enter your own description of the Tempus algorithm.
Click Show Advanced to display the Tempus settings.
Configure the entropy settings for Tempus:
Entropy Threshold: Select the type of entropy threshold that you want Tempus to use:
Use Global Entropy Threshold: This is a single entropy threshold that Tempus applies to all alerts to eliminate noisy alerts with a lower entropy value.
Use Manager-Specific Entropy Thresholds: Use entropy thresholds set up for individual managers. If the manager for an alert has an entropy threshold set, Tempus uses this value to eliminate noisy alerts with a lower entropy value. If an alert's manager does not have an entropy threshold, Tempus uses the global entropy threshold to filter out alerts.
Use an Ad Hoc Explicit Entropy Threshold: Set an actual entropy threshold value that you want Tempus to use to eliminate noisy alerts with a lower entropy value. Enter the value you want to use.
Do Not Use an Entropy Threshold: Select this option if you do not want Tempus to filter out any alerts based on their entropy value.
See Configure Entropy Thresholds with Alert Analyzer for more information on setting global and manager-specific entropy thresholds.
Configure the trigger settings for Tempus:
Execution Interval: Executes the Tempus algorithm after a defined number of seconds.
Configure the correlation time period settings for Tempus:
Time Period: Determines the length of time when Tempus analyzes alerts and clusters them into a Situation each time it runs. Default time period is 1200 seconds (20 minutes). The default time period and bucket size provides 240 buckets per time period.
Bucket Size: Determines the time span of each bucket in which alerts are captured. Default bucket size is 5 seconds. The default time period and bucket size provides 240 buckets per time period.
Moogsoft does not recommend you change the bucket size. If you do want to change it, then change with caution because Tempus is designed to use small bucket sizes.
Arrival Spread: Sets the acceptable latency or arrival window for each alert, in seconds. Use this to minimize or reduce the impact of multiple alerts arriving over a small amount of time and landing in separate buckets. A larger value means a wider distribution to multiple time buckets, and hence more tolerance on arrival time. Too large a spread can result in the loss of algorithmic precision.
Click the Active switch to turn on the Tempus algorithm that uses these settings.
If you want to configure other settings for Tempus, such as the alert threshold, use the Graze API endpoint updateTempus.
Click Show Advanced and then click Reset to Defaults to override any changes you have made to the settings and return to the default values.