A MoogDb v2 method that returns the total number of alerts, and a list of the alert IDs, for an alert filter and a limit.
Back to MoogDb V2 API Method Reference.
Method getAlertIds
takes the following request arguments:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
| JSON Object | Yes | An SQL-like filter that alerts must match to be returned. See Filter Search Data for more information on creating SQL-like filters. |
| Number | Maximum number of alert IDs to return. |
Method getAlertIds
returns the following response:
Type | Description |
Native Object | A JSON object containing the total number of alerts and their alert IDs. |
The following examples demonstrate typical use of method getAlertIds
Example request to return the first 10 alert IDs that satisfy the filter where the type is LinkDown:
var target_alerts = moogdb.getAlertIds("type = LinkDown",10);
logger.warning("moogdb.getAlertIds result - total_alerts = " + target_alerts.total_alerts + " and alert_ids = " + target_alerts.alert_ids);
Example response returning the first 10 alert IDs:
"alert_ids":[4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]