A MoogDb v2 method that returns session information for all users over a period of time.
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Method getAllSessionInfo
takes the following request arguments:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
| Number | No | Start time of the period you want to retrieve session information for. This is in Unix epoch time in seconds. If empty, returns all session information for all users. |
| Number | No | End time of the period you want to retrieve session information for. This is in Unix epoch time in seconds. If empty, returns user records to date. |
| Number | No | Starting record from which data should be included. Default is 0, the first record. |
| Number | No | Maximum number of records you want to return. Default is 200. |
Method getAllSessionInfo
returns the following response:
Type | Description |
Number | ID of the session. |
String | User name for the session. |
Number | Start time of the session, in Unix epoch time. |
Number | Last access time within the session, in Unix epoch time. |
The following examples demonstrate typical use of method getAllSessionInfo
Example request to return session information from Unix epoch time 1570544146 to Unix epoch time 1570704144:
var UserMap2 = {"start" : 1, "limit":6, "from": 1570544146, "to":1570704144 };
var SessionInfo2 = moogdb.getAllSessionInfo(UserMap2);
logger.warning("getAllSessionInfo..."+ JSON.stringify(SessionInfo2));
Example response returning session information between Unix epoch times 1570544146 and 1570704144: