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Collector operations

Once you install a Moogsoft Cloud Collector, you can perform several types of operations on your Linux, Mac, and Windows systems to stop, start, and delete a collector. Additionally, on Windows, the installer wizard features an option to repair your Windows collector installation.

Collector operations for Linux and Mac systems

On Linux and Mac systems, the default home directory for the collector is ~/collector/. All collector binaries, logs, and related files are installed under this directory. In Linux, root users can find the collector directory under /opt/collector.

To install in a different directory, specify the target in a $COLLECTOR_HOME environment variable on the collector host.


After you install the collector, you are asked to set the COLLECTOR_HOME environment variable. If you have not done so, run the following:

Root user: COLLECTOR_HOME=/opt/collector

Non-root user: COLLECTOR_HOME=/home/<user>/collector

Stop, start, or reload the collector as a non-root user

To stop, start, or restart the collector, login on the collector host and run the provided scripts. You must login as a non-root user to run these scripts.

Stop the collector

To stop the collector, open a CLI and enter:



Running the script will send a SIGTERM signal to the collector. However, the collector by default will not terminate immediately after it receives a SIGTERM signal. Instead, the collector will do the following:

  • Shut down its sources, preventing itself from taking in more data.

  • Attempt to drain its sinks of any remaining data that has not been forwarded yet to Moogsoft.

  • Start a timer for one minute.

The collector will only fully terminate once all the sources and sinks have successfully shut down, or if one minute has elapsed.

Start the collector

To start the collector, open a CLI on the collector host and enter:


Reload the collector

To reload the collector, open a CLI on the collector host and enter:


Stop, start, or restart the collector as root user

To stop, start, or restart the collector as a root user, use the systemctl commands. The systemctl commands work only with root user access.

Stop the collector

To stop the collector, open a CLI, login as root on the collector host, and enter:

systemctl stop collector

Start the collector

To start the collector, open a CLI, login as root on the collector host, and enter:

systemctl start collector

Restart the collector

If you have a running collector and want to restart it, open a CLI, login as root on the collector host, and enter:

systemctl restart collector

Delete a collector

To delete a collector from the host, stop the collector, and then remove the /home/<user>/collector directory for non-root users or the /opt/collector directory for root users.


It is a good practice to also delete the moog_header.txt file from the /tmp directory for root and non-root installations.

Collector operations for Windows

On Windows systems, the default home directory for the collector is C:\Program Files\Moogsoft\. All collector binaries, logs, and related files are installed under this directory.

Stop, start or remove the collector

To stop, start, or restart the collector, login on the collector host and run the provided scripts.

Stop the collector

sc.exe stop vector

Start or restart the collector

To restart the collector, open a CLI on the collector host and enter:

sc.exe start vector

Remove the collector

To remove a collector from the host:

  1. Run the Moogsoft Collector Setup Wizard.

  2. In the Change, repair, or remove installation, click Remove, to gracefully remove all parts of the Windows Collector and its files.

You can also uninstall the collector by opening a CLI and running the following command:

msiexec /x "name of msi"

If you need to kill your existing collector to remove it, you can run:

sc.exe queryex vector

...followed by:

taskkill /pid <pid from previous command here> -f

Repair the collector installation

The Moogsoft Collector Setup Wizard for Windows contains an option that lets you repair errors in your installation. To repair your installation:

  1. Run the Moogsoft Collector Setup Wizard.

  2. In the Change, repair, or remove installation, click Repair.

Collector Logs

To check your collector operations, you can view collector logs in the Moogsoft UI at Integrations > Ingestion Services > Collectors > specific collector > Collector Logs.

For Linux and Mac systems, logs are also available on an installed Collector agent as well as in the logs directory.

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