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ServiceNow integration properties reference

The Moogsoft Cloud Properties page is located in ServiceNow under All > Moogsoft Integration > System > Moogsoft Cloud Properties. You can edit the properties on this page to customize the way the integration behaves.

  • All properties with a "Yes" or "No" option are set to No by default, unless stated otherwise.

  • Properties marked as Required must be filled out for the integration to work.

Property name



Moogsoft Integration ServiceNow User



Create the ServiceNow Integration User Account


Automatically create the ServiceNow user for the Moogsoft Cloud integration.

ServiceNow Integration Password


The password to use for the ServiceNow integration user, if the above property ("Create the ServiceNow Integration User Account") is enabled.

This password must meet ServiceNow's complexity requirements, or else automatic configuration will fail. For a detailed explanation of the requirements, read this page from the ServiceNow documentation.

Moogsoft Cloud Instance


Moogsoft API Key


The Moogsoft API Key.

Moogsoft UUID


The UUID of your Moogsoft instance, which is displayed in the URL when logged into the Moogsoft UI. Example:{uuid}/incidents

You must fill out this property in order to allow ServiceNow change records to be manually linked to Moogsoft incidents. For more information about this feature, read Link ServiceNow change requests to Moogsoft Cloud incidents.

Moogsoft API Retry Limit


The number of times to attempt a Moogsoft API call. Default is 3.

Moogsoft API Timeout (In Seconds)


The request waiting time in the ECC Queue in seconds. Default is 10 seconds.

Note: To configure this property for more than 30 seconds, add or update the ServiceNow glide.http.outbound.max_timeout.enabled system property to false.

Enable Moogsoft Incident integration


Automatically create the outbound webhook in Moogsoft.

If you are using a credential set in Moogsoft to store the ServiceNow integration user details, you will need to create this credential set manually before you enable this property.

Name of Moogsoft Credential Set used for outbound Webhook


The name of a preconfigured Moogsoft credential set containing the username and password of the ServiceNow integration user.

Enable to append rather than replace the Affected CI list on update


When processing affected_cis passed from Moogsoft, this option will merge the CI data from the initial incident creation with the data from subsequent updates. If disabled, the affected_cis from the last received update will replace the Affected CI list in the incident. Enabled by default.

Enable closing of Moogsoft Incident


Enable to automatically close a Situation when you close or cancel the associated ticket in ServiceNow.

Close on Resolved


Close the Moogsoft incident when the corresponding ServiceNow incident is resolved. For more information, read Modify incident closure and reopening behavior.

Moogsoft Assignee Email


The email address of a Moogsoft user that can be used for automated assignment. Defaults to the owner of the API key.

Create Moogsoft Assignee


Automatically create a new user if a user doesn’t already exist, using the assignee email address supplied.

Reopen Incidents


Allow Moogsoft to reopen resolved ServiceNow incidents. For more information, read Modify incident closure and reopening behavior.

Enable Moogsoft Maintenance Window integration


Enable automatic creation and removal of Moogsoft catalog entries for maintenance window management.

Use New Maintenance Windows Feature


Use Moogsoft maintenance window feature in place of catalogs to manage maintenance windows.

Enable Incident Assignment


When incidents are assigned to a user in ServiceNow, corresponding incidents in Moogsoft will be assigned to a matching Moogsoft user, whenever possible.

User email addresses must be the same in both ServiceNow and Moogsoft.

Forward Work Notes


Allow work notes added to ServiceNow incidents to be forwarded as comments to the corresponding incident in Moogsoft.

Hide Moogsoft sections in Incident form


Hide the Moogsoft sections in the UI of the ServiceNow Incident form.

Hide Moogsoft sections in Change Request form


Hide the Moogsoft sections in the UI of the ServiceNow Change Request form.

Enable mapping of Moogsoft severity to ServiceNow priority


Map Moogsoft severity values to their equivalent ServiceNow priorities.

Only update priority on increasing severity


Changes the behavior when mapping priority from severity so that only increasing severity or priority of an incident in Moogsoft will update ServiceNow.

Priority Mappings:

Map Moogsoft Severity to ServiceNow Priority values.

Priority for Critical


Priority for Major


Priority for Minor


Priority for Warning


Priority for Unknown


Priority Settings:

Adjust each priority to match the corresponding Impact and Urgency values for your environment. By selecting a priority value for each severity, any incidents with the matching severity will create a ServiceNow incident with equivalent Impact and Urgency. For example, setting "Priority High" to "Medium:High" maps a P2 (High priority) to an Impact of Medium and an Urgency of High.

Priority Critical


Priority High


Priority Moderate


Priority Low


Enable bi-directional synchronization of priority values


When enable and with u_priority included in the webhook payload, priority changes will be replicated between Moogsoft and ServiceNow.